, pub-8985115814551729, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Free Printable Lesson Plans

Free Printable Math Manipulatives, Hands on Activities

The best way to teach math is with real-life applications. The best way to demonstrate math concepts is with hands-on materials that are multi-sensory. These tools are called manipulatives because kids can touch and interact with them. 

They're not just paper and pencil activities or textbook lessons. Math manipulatives include real or play money (for market math), clocks for telling time, fraction bars, pattern blocks, parquetry blocks, peg boards, base ten blocks, Unifix cubes and Cuisinaire Rods. Here are websites with free printable math manipulatives for homemade materials.

Mason has a webpage with dozens of links for free printable math manipulatives, Print pattern blocks, geometry shapes, Base Ten blocks, color tiles, XY blocks and fraction bars. These tools are commonly used in preschool, kindergarten and special needs classrooms, but should be used in all grades to teach geometry, algebra and other maths.
Sparkle Box from the United Kingdom is jam-packed with free math manipulatives and printables. There are free printable PDFs of clock activities for telling time, fraction pies and bars, coins and play money for learning about money math and many free printable math games. Math games include spinners, dice, game board, pieces and accessories, all free printable cut-out activities.
Making Learning Fun has hundreds of free printable math games and manipulatives. This website is organized according to theme, such as Cats, Apples or different children's literature books. Each theme or topic has free printable math lessons, crafts, cut and paste, puzzles and more.
Teacher Resources Galore is huge clearinghouse of educational materials, including free printable math lesson plans. Each math curriculum content area has dozens of free printables listed. Search for the math content area that you are teaching to find what manipulatives you can print. Just click to open the PDF and print.
Jimmie's Collage is a neat homeschool blog with gobs of mom-teacher-made math manipulatives to print

Free Printable Organizers, Charts, Planners, Graphs, Calendars

One way to save on school shopping is to print your own planner pages and skip buying a student planner or homework organizer. Here are links for free printable student planners, homework organizers and 2015 children's calendars. Homeschooling parents, use free printable lesson planners and personal organizers.
Free has loads of free printable calendar templates, seasonal and holiday themed lesson organizers, dated personal planner pages and blank student planners. There are also free printable games, crafts, greeting cards, classroom activities and more. Why not print out a back-to-school welcoming packet for students?
Family Fun has free printable back-to-school organizers and summer crafts activities, photo frame crafts, homework charts with stickers, classroom and family organizers, monthly and weekly planner pages, student personal organizer calendar and charts. There are also teacher welcome letter templates.
Blessed Beyond a Doubt is a mom-blog with free printable student organizers and homework planners. There are links for free printable school activities, activity booklets with games, puzzles, crossword and coloring pages. Printable Planners has customizable free students planners, calendars and homework organizers to print. TLS Books has design-your-own organizers and free printable color-your-own children's calendars.
Scroll around these websites for more school themed printables. Look for games, puzzles, crossword and coloring pages. Print free pencil topper crafts, teacher and student stationary, incentive stickers, book and binder labels, book and binder label stickers, book marks and book covers. These cute crafts are guaranteed to please preschoolers, kindergarteners and elementary students. Even middle school and high school students would, truth be told, love these fun crafts.

Free Printable Mystery Writing Prompts, Story Starter Ideas

Are you writing cracker-bland stories that readers only nibble? What defines a story that readers gulp down whole, beg for more before the first even digests? Characters, plot, climax and something else. Learn to write gulp-down-whole stories. A detective story is a branch of mystery fiction with more definitive parameters. Here's how to write stellar detective fiction.
-Begin with the basics. All stories need an introduction, characters, plot, climax, denouement and conclusion. Mystery stories are all about detail and sequence. The mystery may be solved or the reader may be left hanging. Detective stories have all this, but require a detective character.
-Write what you know. If you grew up in Michigan in the 1960's or Mozambique in the 1940's, write to that specific knowledge. If you were in a particular culture or religion, use that too.

-Choose a time period and locale: You can set your story in any time period or place, as long as you know enough about it to make your writing credible.
-Choose a primary setting. Where did the whodunit take place? An abandoned mental hospital, a disused school, onboard a ship, in an old lady's ancestral home: tie it to your locale and envision the details. Be precise, especially as the setting affects the mystery.
-Create a detective: Depending on your setting, match an appropriate person. Your detective can be of any age, strata of society, occupation or nationality.
-Determine how your detective will interact with official authorities. Is he a policeman? Does she solve mysteries as a hobby, but assist with investigations? Maybe he hasn't always been on the side of justice. Father Brown's friend Flambeau was once the greatest jewel thief in Europe. Perhaps your detective operates separately from public investigators or is too young to work professionally. Your detective may have a different occupation altogether: librarian, pharmacist, garbage man (I'll bet a trash collector sees lots of dirty secrets).
-Frame the crime: It may involve a celebrated murder, art theft or a simple local incident that affects only certain people. Maybe it's just an odd occurrence that unravels a larger problem. Outline and sequence the problem. Create a timetable for personal reference and draw a map if necessary. These become the plot.
-People the story. Who are the dramatis personae? Fill in characters, witnesses, suspects, accessories and assistants. Perhaps it's a airplane crew, or members of a club or a family in which the crime occurs.
-Scatter some clues. Toss in details that a witness may notice but not understand. General clues are fine, but try to spice them up (tire marks from certain vehicle, unique food). At the same time, don't make them so complicated that only an expert would understand them.
-Identify the MMO: Every crime is based motive, method and opportunity. The motive is the reason a character might have for committing a crime (money, jealousy). The method is how the crime committed (in the old garage with a tire iron). The opportunity means who was available to have committed the crime.
-Identify the alibis (or lack thereof) for characters: According to the timetable, decide who was where and when at the time the problem occurred or crime was committed.
-Write a climax: Generally, something happens which brings all the events together. It's usually an event of some drama with some element of surprise. You might include some danger or disaster. It is this event that ultimately explains the mystery.
-Write your denouement: This is the resolution of the mystery. This is when secrets come out and loose ends are wrapped up. Some details will reveal themselves and your detective can articulate the rest: the what, who, when, where, how and why.
-Summarize with a short conclusion. Here is the final outcome where we part company with the detective. You might even give a few hints about her next adventures,
Be sure to read a few detective stories for inspiration.

Free Printable Diary of a Wimpy Kid Lesson Plans

Jeff Kinney was named one of Time Magazine's top 100 most influential people a few years ago. And I'm going to guess that unless you're in middle school, you've never heard of him. What has Kinney done to merit such a nomination?
Besides sharing a last (maiden) name with me, Kinney is the author of the wildly popular Diary of a Wimpy Kid kids book series. The Wimpy Kid in question is Greg Heffley and the "diary" is his personal journal of life in middle school. What makes these books resonate so with kids? They're graphic novels (educationally correct name for cartoons).
Pictures poke fun at everyone in Heffley's young life, including himself. We empathize with Greg's intimidation by tuned-out teen brother Roderick and annoyance at lisping, ever-innocent younger brother Manny.
Series includes Diary of a Wimpy Kid, The Last Straw, Roderick Rules, Dog Days, The Ugly Truth, Cabin Fever, Third Wheel, Hard Luck, Greg Heffley's Journal and a Do-it-Yourself Book. The Long Haul came out in November. Here are free printable Diary of a Wimpy Kids activities for Children's Book Week 2015, May 4-10.
Fun Brain has an online Diary of a Wimpy Kid book to read. Parent site Poptropica has free Diary of a Wimpy Kid printables. ESL Printables has free Diary of a Wimpy Kid worksheets. Here's a Diary of a Wimpy Kid quiz to print from Quiz Moz. Ed Helper has a make your own Diary of a Wimpy Kid word wall.

Teacher Vision has a free printable Diary of a Wimpy Kid unit with writing activities, reading extensions, text to text questions, text-to-life connections and text to self connections based upon the book series. These sites have free printable Diary of a Wimpy Kid coloring pages. Here's the other list of Diary of a Wimpy Kid pages to print.

Free Printable Bible Lesson Plans

A very popular summer activity is VBS, or Vacation Bible School. Almost every local church sponsors a week-long Vacation Bible School. And don't let the term 'school' intimidate. Most VBS programs are fun-filled, hands-on and activity based. Here are free printable Vacation Bible School crafts, lesson plans, games and Bible activities. These general Bible crafts are suitable for Protestant, Catholic and Orthodox Christians. Old Testament activities would work for Jewish families.
Making Friends has free printable Bible lessons, Christian crafts and religious activities. T Print VBS coloring pages, crafts, activities, games, puzzles, crossword, cut and paste and more. There are lots of VBS theme printables to choose from. Teachers, you can search by what it's for, who it's for, what it is made from and kind of craft.
Free Kids Crafts has a plethora of free printable VBS coloring pages, Christian crafts, and Bible activities. Check the Seasons and Holidays pages for religious themed crafts to print in your Bible school. There are also free printable VBS themed units and activities: VBS Bayou Crafts, VBS Safari Crafts, VBS Western Crafts, VBS Australian Crafts, VBS Rainforest Crafts, VBS High Seas (Pirate) Crafts, VBS Panda Crafts and VBS Jungle Crafts
Christian Preschool Printables has loads of free Bible printables, games, lessons geared to younger children. Use these free printable Bible activities for Sunday School, religious education and VBS activities.
Danielle's Place is a nicely laid out craft site. There's an annual membership fee, but many printable Bible activities to sample free. It would be worth the reasonable price to have access to all the crafts.
DL-TK has a remarkable selection of free printable Bible school activities, There are old and new testament coloring pages, Bible games, religious lesson plans and Christian crafts. DL-TK is cross-referenced by activity theme and type of activity (game, craft, puzzle, greeting card,
Eldrbarry has free printable VBS materials from entire themes. Elder Barry walks you through each lesson plan, how it works, how to organize and even offers pictures of how the activity worked in their church. The medieval VBS theme is really neat.
Sunday School Fun Zone offers one-stop source for free printable Vacation Bible School crafts and printable Sunday School Activities. There are lots of color, cut, paste and assemble craft projects to boost fine motor skills and eye-hand coordination. Perfect for preschool and kindergarten. Bible Kid's Fun Zone has free printable Bible craft projects too. Family Crafts from has a wonderful assortment of free printable Bible crafts,

Many websites don't list crafts as VBS specifically. Crafts are listed by theme, Bible scripture passage or Bible story. Just search site for the theme of your VBS. For more free kids' crafts, visit my blogsCatholic Activities, Free Coloring Pages 4U and Free Printable Lesson Plans.

Free Printable educational card games, board games

Card games and board games are excellent teaching tools. Games are interactive and hands-on and children learn many skills when they play card games. Educational card games teach kids to count, add, subtract, prioritize, plan, organize, sort, coordinate and evaluate. Card games can be created to teach content area and subject matter in lesson plans Card games help students memorize information. Here are free printable educational card games, playing cards, flashcards, dominoes and Memory games to use as lesson plans.
The Kidz Page has free printable educational card games, word games, flashcards, math games, sudoku games and lots of other educational learning games. They are brightly colored, cheerful games. Activity Village has free printable educational cards games, deck of cards for learning games, Memory games, dominoes and more. Planet Pals has a free printable animal matching deck of playing cards. You can play this game as Memory games also, finding pairs and sets.
Print Games has several cute free printable card games. Some are styled on vintage card games like Crazy 8s, Old Maid, Go Fish, and the regular deck of playing cards for solitaire, poker, rummy, etc. There are board games to print also. These make excellent family games and party games.
Mom's Minivan has a great assortment of free printable educational card games, travel and car games. There are bingo games, Battleships games, matching and Memory games, cootie catchers, connect the dot games, flashcards, decks of playing cards, dominoes and more.
DL-TK has a nice assortment of free printable educational card games, math games, matching and Memory games, dominoes, playing cards, flashcards and board games. There are free printable game tokens, playing pieces and dice.
Disney Family has gobs of free printable Disney activities, including Valentines based on Disney characters. Why not print sets of Disney valentines and make them into educational cards games, flashcards, playing cards, dominoes, matching and Memory games? Tim's Printables has free printable decks of playing cards.

For more Free Safe Kids Games visit the author's blog.

Free Printable Leveled Readers, Phonics Workbooks

Your new reader has just mastered her phonics lessons; she's reading with some fluency. But summer vacation is here. She won't have access to classroom readers. Do you buy a set of classroom readers to keep up her momentum? You can but you don't need to; there are free printable reading books, phonics books, spelling, vocabulary and grade leveled readers right here on the Internet. Or maybe you need some summer enrichment writing activities for your reluctant reader. He's not too crazy about reading to start with, and you are concerned about how the long summer will affect his phonics and reading skills. Certainly you need some reading and writing activities that your children will enjoy. You will also want free printable reading books, phonics books, spelling and writing activities that are easy to manage.

The sole reason many people hire a tutor for their children is that they feel inadequately prepared to teach them. It's important that if you elect to tutor your child at home, you feel confident and prepared. As a teacher, parent and former homeschooler myself, I can assure you that you can tutor your children at home. With the multitude of free printable reading books, spelling, writing activities and phonics lessons available, all you really need to do is assemble some materials for your child, spend a few moments each day on the writing activities, monitor his progress, and most importantly, relax and have fun.

This link offers over 30 free printable reading books and leveled readers to cut, color and assemble. Making booklets will be fun for you and your child to enjoy together. Print these booklets free of charge by simply submitting a valid email address. There are no fees. Naturally, Reading A-Z hopes that you may purchase more of their fine materials. That is your choice. Meanwhile you may enjoy the free booklets. These books are written according to grade level. There are stories that introduce science, social studies and other school content, while practicing phonics, syllables and spelling patterns. Enchanted Learning has more free printable reading books and leveled readersand booklets. DL-TK has many free printable reading books and leveled readers for preschool, emergent reader and early readers.

Free Printable Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs Activities

Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs is a wonderfully whimsical children's story written by Judi and Ron Barrett in 1982. Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs is a modern tall tale. Here are free printable Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs activities and lesson plans. There are reading lessons, writing activities, literature extensions, lessons in hyperbole, genre study and even a weather unit based on the book.

Click here for free printable vocabulary and reading lesson plans from Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs. Here's a site with free printable vocabulary lessons based on Cloudy With a Chance of MeatballsAnd last but not least, for a little fun from all that study, free printable Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs movie coloring pages!

Free Printable Polar Express Party Planner Kit

Here's a Christmas holiday party for kids with literature connections. Print a free party kit from "The Polar Express" complete with games, crafts, party decorations, invitations, greeting cards, party favors and more. This party theme kit is based on the beloved book "The Polar Express" by Chris VanAllsburg and the hit holiday movie.

This free printable Polar Express party kit is perfect for those looking to host a secular Christmas holiday party and avoid religious Christmas themes.
Houghton-Mifflin, publishers of Vanallsburg's original book offer free Polar Express activities, coloring pages, crafts, games, coloring pages, Christmas tree ornaments and holiday decorations.

Here are just a few of the free printable activities--a Santa hat, poetry frame worksheet, Christmas card, North Pole sign, winter holiday party garland and patterns for snowflakes. Games includes puzzles, word search, fill in the blank and matching. Make Polar Express recipes including mint cookies and of course, hot chocolate! For healthier versions, make snowballs (popcorn balls), edible snow (popcorn with Parmesan cheese), Rudolph punch (cranberry and blood orange juice) and reindeer food (carrots, celery and sliced apples). String jingle bells on red ribbon or yarn for party crafts and give as party prizes. Make bird feeders by spreading peanut butter on pine cones and rolling in bird seed

Free Printable Series of Unfortunate Events Activities

A Series of Unfortunate Events, is an endearingly popular children's literature series. It's penned by the mysterious and elusive author Lemony Snicket. Despite the gloomy author's grim predictions that no one will like these kids books, millions of children and adults continue follow the Baudelaire children, Klaus, Violet and Sunny. Why not read this wonderful children's literature series with your students or homeschool kids? Here are free printable Series of Unfortunate Events worksheets and activities to supplement.
Lemony Snicket has over twenty different free printable Series of Unfortunate Events games, activities, coloring pages, word games, trivia, ciphers, crossword puzzles, fill-in-the-blanks, anagrams and activities based on works of children's literature. You'll love the activities using Sunny Baudelaire's baby talk to translate messages. Harper Collins, publisher of Lemony Snicket Series of Unfortunate Events free printable 20 page literature guide and activity book based on the Series of Unfortunate Events kids books. The illustrations come from the book and can be used as coloring pages. They lesson plans are called Lamentable Lesson Plans.

This site has free printable Lemony Snicket activities and games based on ASoUE kids books. Notably, there is a link for a free download of the complete Series of Unfortunate Events game for PC. There are also complete free printable Series of Unfortunate Events reading guides for the 13 kids books (of course he had to stop at unlucky number 13!) Lemony Snicket (Daniel Handler) is one intelligent dude. This link to Quiddich show that despite being children's literature, there are many adult allusions to history, literature and world events in the Series of Unfortunate Events kids books. These volumes of children's literature make excellent classroom literature for read-aloud and reader's workshop and teen novel study. The vocabulary is challenging, plots are complicated, characters are engaging and the concept riveting. Explore them in your school, library summer reading club, homeschool or book discussion group. The movies have been quite popular too.

Free Printable Shel Silverstein Printable Activities

Shel Silverstein is a beloved poet, children's author, musician and artist. He's given the world of children's literature dozens of books, poems and funny illustrations to enjoy. Shel passed away in 1999, but children's literature will never forget his charming, silly poems and books. A Light in the Attic, Where the Sidewalk Ends, Runny Babbit, The Giving Tree, Don't Bump the Glump, Lafdacio, the Lion Who Shot Back, A Giraffe and a Half, The Missing Piece, Falling Up are just a few of his delightful works of wit and whimsy. InSilverstein's poems, animals talk, grown-ups are silly and children rule the world from cardboard pirate ships. If you would like to play in his wonderful world, here are free printable Shel Silverstein activities, coloring pages and lesson plans.
There are free printable Shel Silverstein lesson plans, games and poetry writing prompts and activities for National Poetry Month in April. There are online Shel Silverstein games you can play.They each feature the funny characters from favorite Shel Silverstein poems. He's made free printable poetry writing prompts and activities booklets as well. These poetry writing prompts are perfect for classroom lesson plans, homeschool and library reading clubs But you don't need to be a teacher, librarian or even an adult to enjoy free printable lesson plans. His website is devoted to his favorite people: kids!

For young artists, cartoonists and poets, Silverstein designed a free printable poetry writing prompts and activities for children to illustrate. Kids will love creating their own poetry prompts and activities book about "Kate's Scissors" and all the funny things Kate cuts with her scissors. There's another poetry writing prompts activities booklet called "Eight Balloons" for children to make. There are Shel Silverstein themed crafts too. Here are free printable Giving Tree lesson plans. This Sweet Life is a blog with a free printable Shel Silverstein activities packet. Print crossword puzzles, word search, coloring pages and more. Teacher Vision has free printable Shel Silverstein activities, too.

Free Printable City of Ember Lesson Activities

The "City of Ember" book series, by Jeanne DuPrau, (2003) is a science-fiction post-apocalyptic fantasy series loved by students and educators alike. Many elementary, intermediate and middle schools are incorporating City of Ember books into their classroom curriculum. With the release of a movie version students can read and study the books and follow up with the film version for comparison. Here are free printable City of Ember book activities, movie study guides and lesson plans.
The series chronologically is City of Ember, People of Sparks, Prophet of Yonwood and Diamond of Darkhold. Not all have been made into film so there are movie study guides only for City of Ember. But there are book activities for all books. Here are free printable lesson plans for teaching the City of Ember book series. Lesson Planet is a pay site with some free book activities to print. Here arefree printable City of Ember lesson plans. Scholastic also charges for many of their printables. But here is a City of Ember book discussion guide to print free. Here are more free printable City of Ember lesson plans for teachers of middle school and homeschool parents. The movie study guides are really helpful for preparing book activities.

This free printable lesson plans kit includes story maps, worksheets, book activities, character webs, comprehension questions, movie study guides, vocabulary, grammar, symbolism, cause and effect, analysis and application questions, synthesis and evaluation questions, book activities, games, reading response rubrics, charts, quizzes and more. The City of Ember books are a dystopian series that tells of a people that has suffered depletion. They've gone underground, to re-emerge at a given time in the future. City of Ember is Orwellian science fiction, reminiscent of 1984, Ray Bradbury's Fahrenheit 451 and Aldous Huxley's Brave New World and The Hunger Games series by Suzanne Collins. Use book activities and movie study guides for units on science fiction.

Free Printable WordWorld Lesson Plans

PBS Kids offers superb, educational television show that kids love! For early childhood learners, WordWorld is an emergent reading cartoon for preschool children ages toddler to six. Every animal, character and object in WordWorld is made of that word. Children learn simple preschool words like dog, barn, bridge, house, fence, sun, tree and flower on WordWorld.
Parents of preschool children, if you haven't explored the cartoon WordWorld or if you are already familiar with the reading activities on this show, here are some free printable WordWorld lesson plans to follow up with WordWorld episodes. There are free printable preschool WordWorld coloring pages featuring the characters from WordWorld: duck, pig, frog, dog, bear and sheep. Visit PBS Kids for the free printable WordWorld activities for early childhood on the homepage. You will find an interactive map of WordWorld with lots of reading activities and word picture fun. There are free online WordWorld games as well as build a word adventures. Fill your word box with WordWorld words that you find on the website.

WordWorld is an excellent website for preschool and early childhood lesson plans. Use these reading activities in early childhood special education, elementary school, day care, homeschool and reading activities for tutoring. Since WordWorld comes from PBS, you know it's a school-approved website that's as safe, fun and educational. For more free safe early childhood online gaming, visit Free Safe Kids Games and for more printables and reading activities visit Free Printable Lesson Plans.

Free Printable Animal and Plant ABC Book

Realistic coloring pages. Alphabet letter outlines with illumination style pictures inside; plants and animals whose names start with the letter. Free printable booklet for science, reading and art lessons! Summer coloring fun. Great for preschool and kindergarten science learning centers and lesson plans.

Free Printable Model Trains, Railroad Crafts

Model railroad building is a popular hobby. Back in the day, many men were given scale model train sets as kids and continue to enjoy them as adults. So here's news for model trains geeks--free printable scale model railroad paper building models, miniatures and accessories. With your printer, card stock paper and an exacto knife, you can create a diorama for your scale model train sets.
About Miniatures lists sites for free printable model trains, model railroad accessories. Pay sites are marked "vendor" but many are free. Vendor sites also offer some free printables as samples. The page links to free printable scale model train sets and paper building models for your model railroad. You can print and make circa 1700s building models, an old church and some Dickensian scenery.
This is a wonderful site for all your free printable scale model railroad needs. This site has pieces for HO and O scale model trains. Someone has done a lot of work to make free printable model train sets, buildings, scenery, set pieces, accessories and miniatures available. There are whole free printable scale model railroad town sets which would work great for social studies cultural and literature setting dioramas. Some pieces for scale model trains double as dollhouse miniatures, too!

Odissey [sic] has free printable model train sets and scale building models, Gothic and Victorian building models, floor maps, and scale model miniatures. Teachers and homeschool parents can turn these free printable scale model trains into lesson plans. Use free easier printable model railroad accessories for hands-on crafts, preschool and special education learning centers and harder scale model railroad pieces for units on trains, technology, Industrial Revolution and historical dioramas.