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Showing posts with label math. Show all posts
Showing posts with label math. Show all posts

Early math lesson plans from the practical life learning center with printables

Hello my dear friends! Teacher Omi (grama) here with some free early math lesson plans. These preschool activities cost nothing because they use materials you already have on-hand, whether you homeschool or teach in a school classroom. Today's math lesson plans come right out of the toybox or in a preschool classroom, the practical life learning center (called the house area in a Montessori set-up). Use them to teach early math skills like sorting, classifying, organizing, patterns and sequencing. 

Setting the table. I love this early math lesson plan for it's nod to nostalgia. When I was young, we learned in a little girl's club I was part of, how to properly set a table, using real dishes, utensils and table linens. That might not seem like a math lesson, or even very important to know. But it's kinda gestalt in that the whole was greater than the sum of the parts. For one thing, it was relaxing and therapeutic, especially for kids (like me) with a high need for orderliness. Now we might be called OCD or even autistic. Then we were just called organized. 

And there was a lot of emphasis on organizing back then which I see less of, today. And this is where the early math and even science and STEM comes in. All these disciplines rely on sorting, sequencing, organizing, classifying, arranging, method and order. There's nothing haphazard about math and science. And the earlier children learn how to do these things, the easier higher math and science will be. 

So how would you use the practical life or house learning center for early math lesson plans? Well, in those learning centers there's always a kitchen set of some kind, with play food and dishes. Teach children to set the table by showing where each item goes. You can get free printable placemats to help with arrangement. 

Early math lesson plans with play food. There are a multitude of ways to use play food in math lesson plans, particularly the kind which is separated into pieces. Have students disassemble food into pieces and then match up again. Encourage them to talk about what they are doing. You might even make it into a memory game. This teaches fine motor skills, eye hand coordination, matching, sorting and verbal skills. 

You can also teach math and science skills by grouping foods according to color, shape, food group, plant part, etc. These preschool activities help children learn about plant science, nutrition, categorizing and noticing details. 

You might have students arrange food on the printable placemat templates to make complete meals. MyPlate has a large section of free printable nutrition lesson plans to teach about food groups, healthy eating, meal planning and much more. 

After children have explored these concepts, end with a tasting party! My grandson Emmett likes to taste the play  food LOL. So we get out the real foods and sample them. And my personal favorite place to start is with fruits and vegetables. So much color, texture and nutritional goodness. Try making a rainbow fruit and veggie plate. 

Free printable calendar lesson plans: reuse old calendars

  Hi friends of the Omschool! Teacher Omi (grama) here with free printable calendar lesson plans and ways to reuse old calendars. If you use paper calendars, you've got a treasure trove of math manipulatives at your disposal. Save your old calendars to make hands-on math activities to teach date and time, skip counting, sorting and organizing and calendar skills.

Reuse old calendars as math worksheets. Give students calendar pages and teach them to count, skip count by 2-8, to help kids understand times tables (fact families). The beauty of  reusing calendars as worksheets is that kids can write on them like workbook pages. Use them to teach days of the week and months of the year. 

Reuse old calendars as flashcards. Let children cut and paste calendar numbers onto recycled cardboard. Then students can arrange flashcards in order or by 2-8 fact families. In this way, you get double duty free lesson plans with math crafts and counting activities. 

Reuse old calendars as games. Have students cut and paste calendar numbers to make Memory games, Bingo or a pathway counting game such as Candyland. Students might also invent their own games. This expands these into cross-curricular free printable lesson plans that include writing, reading, spelling, creative writing, design and STEM activities. 

Reuse calendar pictures as homemade kids books. Calendar pictures are usually centered on a theme (nature scenes, etc.) Instruct students to cut and paste the 12 images onto recycled cardboard. Then they can practice creative writing skills to make these into homemade books. Kids might then read the stories aloud to younger children to practice storytelling skills. 

These free printable lesson plans make excellent resources for classroom and homeschool students. 

Free printable snowflake patterns for winter science lesson plans

 Good morning! Teacher Omi (grandma) on this lovely winter day! We were just hit with a massive blizzard and it reminded me that when I homeschooled our kids, the weather and seasons played a big part in our lesson plans. Here are free printable snowflake patterns to extend winter science lesson plans! 

First Palette has long been a favorite for free printables, activities and lesson plans. This site offers free printable snowflake patterns and templates for snowflakes to cut. Use these to explore crystals, three forms of matter (solid, liquid, gas), fraction math and weather lesson plans. 

When I was a kid, we learned to cut snowflakes by folding paper. A snowflake crystal always has six sides. To create that, you need a perfect square piece of paper. And to create that from 8x11 paper, fold in half and then half again (quarters). Then without creasing, fold again, into 8ths and cut the excess off. Now open the paper and fold diagonally to form a triangle and then in half again so the points of the triangle meet. Now fold both sides half way in, so they overlap and cut off the excess. 

What you are left with is 12 sections, folded in on each others. Keeping that folded, make any cuts you like but don't cut all the way through. You can cut the center point to make an open pattern. Whatever cuts you make will be repeated 6 times. The snowflake pattern is achieved when the 12 sections are divided into six repeated sets of two each. 

You can do the same design folding the paper into 8ths. You'll still have 12 sections only this time, the pattern will be repeated four times instead of three (or six). It won't be a  snowflake but it will be very pretty. And you can teach fraction math and also the factors of 12: 1, 2,3,4, 6 and 12. You can also teach symmetry (mirror images) by showing how, when you open the snowflake pattern, the repeated patterns are facing each other, exactly the same but opposite. 

Lesson plans using recycled plastic Easter eggs and egg cartons

  I love repurposing and reusing stuff from my recycle bin in new and creative ways, especially as lesson plans. Recently, my one-year-old grandson has been discovering the fun playing with empty recycled plastic Easter eggs. This has inspired me to design hands-on activities, lesson plans and games using recycled plastic Easter eggs and egg cartons. I've includes some free printable activities to supplement. 

With Easter coming up, there will be many activities involving plastic Easter eggs: candy hunts, Easter crafts, etc. You might be tempted to throw them away, after use, but don't. There are so many educational activities to use recycled plastic Easter eggs. Save Styrofoam egg cartons as well. 

I blogged in an earlier post about using plastic eggs and egg cartons from the recycle bin as preschool learning center math, sorting and fine motor activities. The good news for homeschoolers is that these make great toddler high chair activities too. Activities are easily adjustable to age. My grandkids Juno and Emmett who are 1, love stacking or "nesting" plastic egg halves, just like blocks. We work on placing eggs in egg cartons, to practice eye hand coordination, puzzle skills and fine motor. 

Challenge kids fine motor skills in egg assembly activities. The plain colored recycled plastic eggs are easier than the shaped ones like the ice cream ones shown in the picture which can be a little tricky. But it's important for development that some tasks be difficult, especially for special needs and students with autism. We teach to fear failure and frustration when we make things too easy, or do it for them. Children need challenges, to have to work at something and to try new approaches, to learn patience, perseverance and vital problem solving skills. 

Use assembled Easter eggs in science learning centers and preschool sand and water table to explore water displacement and floatation concepts. Give toddlers scooping tools to practice fine and gross motor skills in high chair activities. Special needs students will love "fishing" for Easter eggs too! 

Have kids "hide" little items or non-messy foods in recycled plastic Easter eggs. Or hide them yourself and have students predict what's inside. This teaches math skills of size estimation. 

Sort eggs in egg cartons, by color or design. Last year, when my husband and I visited our grandkids, we brought each child a set of individualized themed Easter eggs (dinosaurs, fish, desserts, sports balls and insects). Then we played an Easter egg hunt game in which each child had to find eggs in his pattern. The 3-year-olds, Lucian and Milo, were able to identify eggs that belonged in their pattern. And Ezra, who was almost two, was able to find his fishy Easter eggs by their color. Extend pattern lesson plans with free printable animal dominoes

Do an Easter egg hunt, using recycled egg cartons to place found eggs. Each child brings a dozen and finds a dozen. Once her 12 spaces are filled she "wins." A homeschool mom friend of my oldest daughter came up with genius plan. It prevents kids taking too many eggs and best of all teaches math skills. Have older kids group their eggs by two, three, four and six, to learn skip counting, multiplying and dividing. Reinforce with these free printable math flash cards

For more hands-on lesson plans and recycle bin activities stay tuned to this blog. 

Recycle bin Easter egg crafts to teach early math--with free printables

With Earth Day (now actually Earth Month) around the corner, I'm sharing lesson plans to make crafts from your recycle bin. Today we're making recycle bin Easter egg crafts to teach early math activities of sorting and matching, plus fine motor skills. These Easter egg crafts were inspired by my toddler grandchildren, Juno, Ezra and Emmett. 

As a homeschool mom, I was always looking for toddler high chair activities to keep the youngest busy learning while I did lesson plans with the older kids. Use these Easter egg crafts in math learning centers, as high chair activities or at a toddler picnic table for older more mobile preschoolers. I used one of the small Little Tikes picnic tables with our youngest. I rotated different preschool crafts and hands-on activities for her to work on. You could use the sand and water table also. 

For toddler Easter egg crafts (ages 1-2)  you're only going to need two things, which can be found in your recycle bin: plastic refillable Easter eggs and empty egg cartons. Assemble eggs for 1-year-old children and let them practice sorting into egg cartons. As they get older, children can begin assembling Easter eggs. Then at age 2-ish, they can match egg halves by color or pattern (we have some really cool ones shaped like sports balls, fish and ice cream!) These are great for developing fine motor skills. And saving Easter eggs from year to year is environmentally friendly so prefect for Earth Month. 

Also at age two, or whenever they no longer put things in their mouths, they can begin filling Easter eggs with tiny objects or shapes. Children might cut shapes from recycled cardboard or paper, to practice scissors skills. They might also use shape punches. Extend this into a fun preschool snack craft by giving them little snacks to hide in eggs (fish crackers, letter pretzels, etc.)

Here are free printable Earth Day activities and here's my page of free printable Earth Day lesson plans, crafts and activities. Lastly, here's my collection of lesson plans for Earth Day trash crafts Stay tuned for more Earth Month activities! 

Stone Soup lesson plans, activities and printables, plus Friendship Soup recipes

 Looking for interactive, hands-on activities to revive a winter weary preschool or elementary age curriculum? How about a unit on "Stone Soup?" Here are free printable Stone Soup lesson plans, activities, coloring pages, crafts and recipes for Friendship Soup from the beloved children's literature classic. 

There are several versions of Stone Soup, my favorite being the Marcia Brown Caldecott one (shown above). In this story, stingy villagers learn the value of collaboration and the whole is greater than the sum of the parts when three hungry soldiers con them into to sharing their hoarded food to make a group soup. 

Begin by reading Stone Soup aloud. Children should predict what will happen using HOTS (higher order thinking skills). Kids will love the ah-ha moment when they realize, (before the greedy villagers do) that the hoarders have just been tricked into parting with food they lied about not having. 

Next, assign kids character parts and retell Stone Soup as a  play. Let children design costumes and create props and scenery from the recycle bin. Recycled cardboard fridge boxes make awesome backdrops which children can paint. Present this as a play to other students. 

After the play, serve Stone Soup (which has now become Friendship Soup) that you have made as a class. Allow students to prep vegetables or simply bring canned vegetables to reheat. Children might also prep vegetables and home. Teacher should probably bring the cooked meat if you're going to include it. Also, provide washed stones to use in soup (large ones so no one accidentally swallows). Simmer ingredients in a crockpot while doing other activities. 

Write Stone Soup recipes for process writing lesson plans. Ingredients include: cooked meat, milk, carrots, celery, potatoes, cabbage, onions, salt, pepper and stones. Encourage kids into writing creatively to produce funny or silly recipes. Create cartoon strips or story boards. Make a Stone Soup word wall, using words from the story. Cooking with children and writing and following recipes make excellent math lesson plans. 

For science lesson plans, explore food groups or edible plant parts (carrots and potatoes--roots, onions--bulb, celery--stem and leaves, cabbage--leaves, pepper--seeds). Explore raw vegetable colors, textures, and structure. Draw plant diagrams. 

Free math facts homework kit with Montessori-based, student-made activities and printables

<---Teacher Omi (grandma) has been having fun re-creating lesson plans for the grandkiddos, from materials made over my nearly 40-yr career in education. Today I'm sharing how to make a math homework practice kit I created 35 years ago and used with my Montessori students, tutoring students and in homeschool. I even trotted this out when I taught adult education. I've given you some of the activities here and for the full set of lesson plans, visit me at my Teachers Pay Teachers store. 

For the math homework kit, begin with a sturdy shoebox and fill it with:

Dice  Repurpose die from game sets with missing pieces. Or pick up a cheap set from Dollar Tree.

Set of dominoes (base 12 preferred) Students can also make domino flash cards on index cards. Write domino dot configuration in number color from chart. To play, student selects a domino and adds, subtracts or multiplies the two numbers.  Students should write answers on back for self-checking. Here are free printable dominoes from First-School.

Deck of playing cards  Student chooses two cards and adds, subtracts, or multiplies them. Face cards are valued as such: ace-1, jack-10, queen, 12 and king-0.  You can print playing cards from Printable Board Games  or have students design their own! 

Math flashcards for each fact family Purchase at Dollar Tree or discount store or better yet, use free printable math flashcards from First School

Tablet of small stickers, shape punches or mini-stamper marker—Students create flashcards by writing math facts (problems) in color code on one side. On the back, they illustrate with  punched-out shapes, stickers or stamps (5 stars plus 5 stars, for example). They write the answer on the back.

Pencil, eraser and scrap paper squares—students write out fact families (say the nine times tables). Then they draw story problems to illustrate and quiz each other. For example, the student draws three groups of seven apples for 3x7. Þ Toddlers draw marks and practice counting.

100 chart and bingo marker or dry erase marker Laminate and attach to the inside lids of the math kit. Student uses bingo marker to practice skip counting by different numbers. From there, she memorizes multiplication tables (which are just the series of number in skip counting). The 100 chart helps the student find number patterns, too. Þ Toddlers bingo “stamp” each number as they count.

Yarn strung with 100 plastic beads. This homemade abacus is a great visual for math operations. Give student a problem, like 7x8.  She counts out and adds seven groups of eight. Þ Give toddlers large beads to string, for fine motor skill practice. 

Food snacks with little pieces. Students use fish crackers, fruit snacks, breakfast cereal, raisins, candies, pretzels, marshmallows, to demonstrate math facts and equations. Let children make their own trail mix and write the recipe as math problems. (6 raisins + 10 pretzels + 5 Cheerios +3 Cheez-Its).  When done, they get to eat the treats!

Free Printable Chicka Chicka Boom Boom Activities, Lesson Plans, Coloring Pages

 "A told B and B told C, I'll meet you at the top of the coconut tree." And so begins the beloved children's book Chicka Chicka Boom Boom, by Bill Martin Jr. Kids love the zaniness that ensues when the other letters of the alphabet follow! This best-loved ABC book tops preschool reading lists. 

Here are free printable Chicka Chicka Boom Boom activities, lesson plans and coloring pages for kindergarten and early childhood classrooms. 1+1+1+1 has a booklet of free printables with alphabet, reading and counting math lessons. Kids can extend lesson plans using the activities as coloring pages. 

Making Learning Fun is always a must-stop for free printable preschool activities. Check out the Chicka Chicka Boom Boom story felt board pattern printables. There are free printable crafts, games, puzzles and other educational preschool activities. 

Here's a pdf with free printable ABC patterns and templates from Chicka Chicka Boom Boom from KIDZClub. Super Coloring has several free printable coloring pages from this children's literature favorite also. 

Use these activities to create a Chicka Chicka Boom Boom unit or host an ABC party. Assign each child a letter of the alphabet and have them create costumes. Act out the story. Play Race to the coconut tree. Use alphabet shaped cookie cutters to make ABC sandwiches or cookies to celebrate! 

Free Printable Algebra, Geometry, Calculus Math Lesson Plans, Online Scientific Calculators

Algebra, geometry, calculus and trigonometry are challenging subjects for parents and students. Here are free printable algebra worksheets, trigonometry homework help, calculus tutorials and online geometry lessons to help. Links are included for free online scientific calculators and graphing calculators. Use these higher math tutorials, reference (cheat) sheets, tools and homework help online or print for home and school use. 

Web Calc has free scientific calculators for homework help, including online scientific calculators. Meta-Calculator has free online graphing calculators, statistics calculators, scientific calculators and matrix calculators, unit converters and financial calculators for consumer math classes. These sites have free math tutorials as well. 

Free math help has free printable math worksheets and homework help in algebra, geometry, trigonometry, statistics and calculus. Check out free printable charts, printable online tutorials, sample problems, references, explanations and study guides. Students can play online math games too. Webmath has free math worksheets, printables and tutorials on higher math like algebra, trigonometry, calculus and geometry, too. Mathway offers free online scientific calculators, online math tutorials and problem solving functions. 

Purple Math provides free algebra homework help for logarithms, equalities, inequalities, formulas, equations, integers, exponents, properties, radical numbers, rational numbers, absolute value, quadratic equations, parabola, ellipse, hyperbola, circle, linear function, polynomials, factoring, square root and more. Geometry math lessons covers solids, spheres, cubes, triangles, angles, formula, Pythagorean Theorem, theorems, postulates and more. The trigonometry math lessons cover sines, cosines, tangents, Mollwied's Formula and all the various trigonometry functions and identities. Calculus math lessons cover integrals and substitutions.

Free printable Pi Day activities, Sir Cumference geometry, math lesson plans

Children's literature author Cindy Neuschwander, with illustrator Wayne Geehan has written a math adventure series that is perfect for Pi Day on March 14. In the books, Sir Cumference, Lady Di of Ameter and their son Radius solve math problems, geometry puzzles and medieval mysteries. The name puns are only the beginning of the fun. Children learn about geometry, measurement, counting, algebra, formulas and math lesson plans in charming medieval fairy tales. The Sir Cumference books include:
--Sir Cumference and the First Round Table (A Math Adventure) (1997) Lady Di of Ameter and her son Radius help Sir Cumference figure out the most user-friendly shape for the table to seat his knights for their meetings. Great exploratory book for understanding shapes, angles and geometry.
--Sir Cumference and the Dragon of Pi (A Math Adventure) (1999) It's Radius and Lady Di of Ameter off to the rescue again to save Sir Cumference who has been eaten by the Dragon of Pi. By visiting the cooks in the kitchen Radius learns how the Greek term Pi works in geometry and uses it to solve this math riddle. Use this one for Pi Day!
--Sir Cumference and the Great Knight of Angleland (A Math Adventure) (2001) Radius goes off on a quest with Sir D'Grees to battle a Pair of Lells (dragons). In clever geometrical exploits, they teach math lesson plans on angles and measurement.
--Sir Cumference and the Sword in the Cone (A Math Adventure) (2003) Again brave Radius, assisted by his friend Vertex learn about geometric solids and how to pull out the famous sword Edgecaliber from the cone. There are solid math lesson plans in this fun adventure.
--Sir Cumference and the Isle of Immeter (A Math Adventure) (2006) Radius must help his cousin Per face down dragons and learn about geometry in a game called Inners and Edges, so that Per can rescue her kingdom and become Per of Immeter. Lady Di of Ameter and Sir Cumference lend a hand.
--Sir Cumference and All the Kings Tens (A Math Adventure) (2009) Sir Cumference and his Lady Di of Ameter discover that when planning a birthday party for the King that using a base 10 counting system (or metric system) is the only way to count this growing crowd of guests.

Here are some free printable math lesson plans based on Cindy Neuschwander books. Teacher Vision has free printable Sir Cumference math lesson plans for Pi Day. Check Education World for a complete unit of free printable Pi Day activities, geometry worksheets and math lesson plans from Sir Cumference geometry books. Then, head over to lesson plans for a bunch of free printable Sir Cumference geometry worksheets. Lesson Planet has many free printable geometry worksheetsthat are specific to Sir Cumference and the Dragon of Pi for Pi Day.

Free printable geometry worksheets, free printable math games, math worksheets for Pi Day

Happy Pi Day! Pi is a Greek symbol that represents a math quantity of about 3.14 used to solve equations and find circle measurements. Pi Day celebrates geometry. Now geometry is a fascinating subject but gets a bad rap because it seems boring and complicated. So teach it in hands-on ways. Here are free printable math and geometry worksheets and lesson plans. Print interactive math games, flash cards, matching activities, diagrams and and activities.
Helping with Math offers free printable geometry units, worksheets and lesson plans. Print matching activities and games.
ABC Teach provides a complete free printable geometry bingo game that teaches geometry vocabulary by having students connect pictures on a bingo or GEOMY card with terms called. Print the 13 page game including vocabulary list, six different unlabeled cards with geometry figures and another set of six cards with angle measurements labeled on them. Print the entire game, laminate and cut out.
Kidz Zone has free printable math worksheets and units to teach money math, adding, subtracting, multiplication, division, fractions, decimals, percents, plus geometry.
Pro Teacher has math printables, worksheets, units, games and geometry activities. There are loads of free printable activities to follow the well laid-out syllabus.
Classroom Confections is cram-packed with free printable geometry lesson plans. Dr. Mike's Math page has loads more math and geometry game printables.
Pre-K to 8 offers free printable geometry activities on angles, congruency, shapes, triangles and lots of other cool activities. I love the looks of these activities; they are totally interactive and hands-on. Check out this site and book mark.

Teaching-Tools offers a free geometry vocabulary worksheet generator. Select terms that you are teaching and develop a practice page, test study guide, quiz or test. You can make free printable activities for terms, vocabulary, definitions, picture matching, angles, shapes and much more. Check out the menu on the left hand side for other worksheet generator topics like fractions, algebra and more math concepts.

Free Printable Valentine's Day Countdown Calendar

Countdown calendars are becoming very popular to help children count down the days to special events and holidays. Here are free printable valentine countdown calendars to number the days till Valentine’s Day. These cute cut and paste craft works well for preschool, special needs kids, elementary classrooms, homeschool and Girl Scout troop activities.
Make free printable valentine countdown calendars reusable by laminating or printing and pasting to the inside of a file folder or recycled cardboard. There are a variety of ways to label days till Valentines Day. Here are religious Christian valentine countdown calendars with Bible verses. Print in black and white and let children color them. To print in black and white set your printer "preferences" to "black ink cartridge" or "print in gray scale". Children should cut them out and arrange in order 1-14. They can also do a backwards valentine countdown calendar to learn counting backwards. Holiday themed activities for kids are always a hit!
Here are more Valentine Day countdown calendars and activities for kids. Pinterest has several free printable valentine countdown calendars, too. This website also has an assortment of Valentines Day calendars to print free. Kids might do one of the free printable valentine crafts activities for kids or make recipes from Disney Family each day till Valentines Day to countdown to the holiday.
Valentines Day countdown calendars and crafts activities for kids are great for practicing math, fine motor and scissor skills. Calendars are ideal for use with younger preschool, kindergarten and special needs students. They're simple and user-friendly making calendars ideal for children who are easily frustrated. Countdown calendars are also great for teaching math skills like counting, sequencing, patterns and calendar skills.

Free Printable Folded Paper Christmas Ornaments, Decorations

Remember those little cootie catchers kids used to make? Did you know those can be used as a lesson plan? Making origami (folded paper toys) provides fine motor skill builders and eye-hand coordination practice. Folded paper crafts provide practice in measurement, math, geometry and fractions, too. Need some educational Christmas crafts? How about free printable cut-and-paste and folded-paper holiday decorations?Kids learn while creating! These activities are perfect for elementary and middle school math classes, homeschool and winter vacation fun. With some assistance, these crafts will work with special needs, disabled students and preschoolers. Senior citizens will love them, too. 

First Palette is a one-stop source for awesome free printable Christmas ornaments. Print images in black and white and have children color them (ahem, parents and teachers--coloring pages are value added childminder crafts because they keep kids busy longer!) You can make these into photo frame Christmas ornaments by gluing them to cardboard once they're colored, then cutting small windows and taping pictures to the back.

Edupics also has free printable origami Christmas ornaments, folded paper crafts and homemade holiday decor. There are 3D Christmas ornaments shaped like stars and balls. Use cut-and-paste, folded paper crafts as math lessons. Cutting and folding paper and assembling crafts provides hands-on geometry practice. Children learn math measurement and spatial relations. Edupics has free printable folded paper crafts featuring cut and paste manger scenes, 3D nativity sets, Santa Claus and stand-up sleigh and reindeer. There are free printable cut-and-paste folded paper Christmas cards. Print in grayscale or black and white and Christmas ornaments become coloring pages for children to color and personalize.

The Toymaker features vintage free printable origami Christmas ornaments and folded paper crafts. The folded-paper boxes are adorable. There are also cute cut and paste greeting cards and holiday decorations. Paper folding is great for special needs students with perceptual challenges who struggle with such tasks. Multisensory crafts help children build scissors skills, fine motor skills and eye-hand coordination. Check the Toymaker for free printable advent calendars, gift tags, religious decorations. There are free printable Hanukkah and Kwanzaa crafts, too.

Noella Designs has all sorts of free printable origami Christmas ornaments, cut and paste and folded paper crafts for holiday decor. Children will love making the Santa Claus train, Santa village, 3D snowflakes, holiday decor, centerpieces and Christmas tree ornaments. Children could make crafts and give as Christmas gifts. To help children be successful in holiday craft making, be sure to provide sharp scissors and high-quality glue and tape. Follow instructions printed on the craft. Teach children to read all directions first. This practices skills of following directions, problem-solving and sequencing steps. Provide adequate adult supervision and assistance for special needs and preschool students. Children get frustrated if they can't make their project look the way they want it to. Encourage students to help each other, also.

Free Printable Apple Lesson Plans for Fall Preschool Activities

Apples are a popular theme for preschool fall lesson plans. Looking for apple activities? Have I got a great "sweet" treat for you--a plethora of free printable apple-themed fun. This booklet includes apple math activities, science puzzles, social studies lessons and history extensions. There are printable creative writing prompts, word games and more. Read more

Free Printable Animal Rescue Lesson Plans

We've seen images of suffering: Japan and Haiti earthquake Darfur, Katrina, tsunami, economic oppression, refugees, war, deforestation, demilitarized zones, rainforest destruction, animal cruelty, oil spills. Children learn geography by the wars and disaster that take place there. Speaking as a teacher, I know how upsetting it is for kids to see the suffering and feel helpless. That's why it's great that there are kid-friendly ways to help? Here are free printable lesson plans on animal rescue (Just in time for the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi, patron saint of pets and animals. There are lesson plans of global health, world hunger, rainforest preservation and lots more. Read on

Free Printable Preschool Games, Hands on Activities, Lesson Plans

Parents, are you looking for free printable paper crafts activities for older children? Teachers, how about free printable lesson plans for upper elementary? Homeschool parents, maybe you want free printable educational activities for older kids? Little ones are easy to find printable activities for, but older children--not so easy. Older children are super sensitive to being patronized or (heaven forbid) bored. Older children want to act young, be treated older and still play with (shh don't tell) younger kid activities like coloring and craft projects.
Here 20 safe, school-approved websites free printable paper crafts and educational activities for kids that will challenge and be fun and won't bore, Some websites require subscriptions or charge fees for premium activities have many free printable activities for older children. Free printable activities for kids over 7, including learning games, puzzles, coloring pages, learning activities, crossword puzzles, Sudoku, skill builders, cut and paste paper crafts, dioramas, paper dolls, paper toys and worksheets for subject you can name!
American Girl has free printable activities, learning games, scrapbooks, games, maps and paper crafts based from American Girl. This site includes many historical and cultural activities activities to print.
Apples 4 the Teacher has free printable activities educational activities for kids including worksheets, lesson plans, units, educational games, puzzles, flashcards, maps, paper crafts for all subject matter.
PBS Kids has free printable paper crafts, activities for older children and learning games from Arthur, Peg + Cat, Dinosaur Train, Cyberchase, Design Squad, Super Why, Odd Squad, Ready Jet Go, Wild Kratts, Fizzy's Lunch Lab, Sid the Science Kid, Sesame Street, It's a Big, Big World, Jakers, Postcards from Buster, Maya and Miguel, Reading Rainbow, Cat in the Hat, Oh Noah!, SciGirls, Martha Speaks, Bob the Builder, The Electric Company, Dot's Story Factory, Wilson & Ditch Digging America, The Greens, Dragonfly TV, Eek World, Kart Kingdom, Word Girl, Between the Lions, Clifford, Caillou, Hooper, Plum Landing, Barney, Berenstain Bears, Curious George, Fetch with Ruff Ruffman, Cyberchase, Boobah, Teletubbies and more! Each show has it's own site with lots of activities.
Barbie Kids has free printable educational activities for kids from Mattel characters Barbie, Polly Pocket, Bratz, MyScene and more. You'll find cut and color paper dolls with all sorts of clothing, shoes and accessories you can design. Everything girl also has stationary, calendars and more to print.
Activity Village might be the best site for free printable holiday educational activities for kids, It's got all the world holidays with printable paper crafts, worksheets, puzzles, jigsaws, social studies lessons, around the world coloring pages and learning games.
There are Printables for Kids galore at this link, dedicated to free printable educational activities for kids.
DL-TK is the best site for free printable educational craft activities for kids. There are free printable coloring pages, cut and paste paper crafts, dioramas, mini books, paper dolls, on every theme of childhood.
Kidz Page is the free printable educational learning games for kids site. Print crossword and jigsaw puzzles, worksheets, mazes and clipart. Kids love the bright colorful comic book style layout.
ABC Teach boasts 5,000+ free printable worksheets making it tied for second in educational activities for kids. Get activities for math, reading, language, social studies, culture, geography, science, holidays. Includes flash cards, learning games, puzzles, Sudoku, booklets, word searches, crossword puzzles and more.
Enchanted Learning is the best in free printable paper crafts and educational activities for kids with booklets, science lessons, biomes, maps, languages, famous people, works of art, etc.
Dover: Sign up for email notices with links to free printable paper crafts and vintage educational activities for kids from Dover's vast collection of vintage books.
Scholastic has dozens of free printable activities for kids up to eighth grade based upon the wonderful books from Scholastic. This site is excellent for middle school students also. You'll find Charlie Bone, Harry Potter, Artemis Fowl, Manga, Magic TreeHouse Series, Captain Underpants, and so much more.
First School is a leader in free printable crafts and educational activities for kids 7-10 on Bible, religion and holidays.
First Palette leads the way in free printable crafts patterns, templates, clipart and educational coloring pages.
Creative Kids at Home has free printable science projects, learning games, crafts and fun! You can also access the site to get archived newsletters with loads of easy stuff for all ages to do at home, school, day care, etc!
Making Friends has lots of free printable educational crafts and activities for kids but the specialty is free printable paper dolls from around the world.
Free Kids Crafts specializes in free printable educational crafts templates and activities for kids.
The Toymaker is queen of free printable vintage toys and educational crafts for kids.

Disney Family specializes in everything free printable Disney crafts for kids. Look for activiteis from all your favorite Disney characters including Frozen, Zootopia, Star Wars, Toy Story, Cars and more.

Free Printable Olympics Lesson Plans, Activities

The Rio 2016 Summer Olympics opens August 5 and the closing ceremonies are August 21. Teachers and homeschool parents, here are free printable lesson plans on Winter Olympics and Summer Olympics for the XXXI Rio 2016 Olympic Games. Use these free printable Olympics lesson plans to help students learn more about this historic international event. Incorporate Summer Olympics into sports math, history, social studies and science to give kids a deeper understanding the Rio 2016 Olympic Games.
Teacher Planet has an Olympic-sized database of free printable worksheets on the Winter Olympics and Summer Olympic Games. Worksheets cover reading, creative writing, research, health, history, geography, social studies, science and math activities. Of particular interest to physical education teachers are the Olympic Games simulation activities. Instead of being mere spectators, kids can recreate the Winter Olympics and Summer Olympics at home or at school.
The Lesson Lady on Teachers Pay Teachers offers a 10-page set of free printable Olympic Games worksheets, including coloring pages, a reading game, sports word scramble puzzle, a Winter Olympics and Summer Olympics word search, Sudoku puzzle, word bank trivia and several Olympics creative drawing pages. Teacher Vision has an entire collection of free printable Summer Olympics worksheets and activities as well as lesson plans on Rio de Janeiro, Brazil where the XXXI Olympic Games will be held. Users may print up to five activities for free and then must pay for a subscription. ABC Teach has loads more free printable Olympics lesson plans across the curricula in math, science, writing, reading, phonics, science, social studies, history, geography and more.

Then visit Activity Village for a host of free printable Olympic Games for kids activities. There's also an page on Brazil for Kids with free printable coloring pages, worksheets, world flags, country flags, maps and Brazilian landmarks and crafts. Kids will love the free printable post cards from Brazil. There's a page for many countries of the world represented in the Winter Olympics and Summer Olympics. There maps. flags, landmarks and more. Use these lesson plans as anticipatory sets to prepare kids for the Olympic Games experience. They might also be used as extensions after viewing events.

Free Printable Preschool Valentines Day Lesson Plans

With Valentine's Day right around the corner, Pinterest, email, and blogs overflow with valentine crafts. Alas, many are also costly. So, don't pay. Here are free printable preschool valentine worksheets, games, crafts, learning activities and lesson plans. Fru-gals and fru-guys, use these for Valentine's Day fun.
Over the Big Moon is a mom-blog with 31 pages of free printable preschool Valentine's Day worksheets. They've added an extension pack with even more free printable preschool Valentine lesson plans for children. These kits are perfect for little ones ages 30 months to six. The activities are mostly for pre-readers and emergent readers. All the activities have a valentine theme.
To practice literacy and writing skills, there are letter tracing sheets focusing on the letter "V", vocabulary cards, phonics activities, word and sound matching and shadow letter tracing activities.
For early math skills reinforcement, there are valentine-themed counting worksheets, sorting activities, pattern extensions and sequencing games. There are several activities to develop visual acuity and eye hand coordination, including spot-the-difference games, coloring pages and four-piece puzzles. There are also several pages of cutting lines in different patterns to help children practice scissor skills.
The packets are free to print from the Over the Big Moon website. Or here's an alternate website with the same valentine printables. Directions are available. Valentine graphics could be reused as DIY valentines. Have children cut out pictures and glue on construction paper hearts.

For preschool classroom use, print activities in the craft center. Or put printed activities in a folder. Use as homework or vacation activities. Give as Valentine's Day gifts. Roll in recycled paper towel tube. Add a cute valentine pencil, a few crayons, scissors and glue stick. Wrap in recycled paper that children have decorated and tie the ends. Use for Valentine party favors. Senior citizens may enjoy these activities too,

Free Printable File Folder Games for Math, Reading

March is National Reading Month and just in time, here's a great lesson plan to teach reading with file folder games. Students can learn just about any subject using file folder games to reinforce content and practice skills. Here are free printable file folders games online. Besides reading, teach math, reading, spelling, grammar, phonics, science, social studies and more. Print games for all ages and ability levels: preschool, kindergarten, elementary, special needs, middle school. Use for homeschool, too.
File Folder Fun has over 100 free printable file folder games in content areas across the curriculum. Search by age, grade level, theme and subject. File folder themes include animals, foods, flowers, weather, ocean life, circus. Themes teach math, reading, science, social studies, phonics, spelling, math, ELA (English Language Arts) history, music and other preschool and elementary school subjects. Click the games you want. The click "download." And voila, a screen appears with game background, pieces, cards, all materials you need, free.
File Folder Farm has gobs of free printable file folder games for math, English, reading, writing, spelling, science, social studies and more. Games can be used with varied ages. Click the game you want. The print, cut out and and assemble. Or better still, print in black and white. Have students color, cut and paste and assemble. You get two activities--craft, lesson plan and game--all in one!
Cindy's Autistic Support has free printable math file folder games. Use to teach counting, addition, subtraction, multiplication and division file folder games. You can make individual games for each math fact (times table) family.
To make file folder games:
Print game board and glue to inside of file folder. Write instructions on outside. Laminate or cover with contact paper. Make a spinner by drawing a circle. Divide like a pie. Label segments with game advancement options. Place paperclip on paper fastener (brad). Poke fastener through center of circle. Spin paper clip.

Store game cards or pieces in zippered plastic bag or envelope stapled to folder. File folder games store upright in filing cabinet or drawer. Get extra craft mileage from free printable file folder games by assigning students make them.