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Showing posts with label vehicles. Show all posts
Showing posts with label vehicles. Show all posts

Free Printable STEM, Engineering, Robotics Lessons, Physics Activities

April is Earth Month and it's also science fair season--time to think science projects and hands-on science fun. Unfortunately, the most interesting sciences--physicsphysical science, technology and robotics--are often taught in boring ways. And that's sad because research continually shows how important STEM activities (science, technology, engineering and math) are for kids. Physics studies how things work and explores motion, energy, machinery (and it might surprise you as to what is considered a machine), lightwaves, sound waves, radio waves, magnetism and more. Physical science is the most enjoyable science to teach because it's easy to demonstrate, can be taught using found stuff around the house, gives students lots of feeling of success and connects well to math, geometry, algebra and other STEM activities. Here are not-dull free printable physical science activities, lesson plans, experiments, worksheets, vocabulary cards, puzzles and games to make physical science the most popular subject in school!
NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) offers a plethora of free printable physics lesson plans. Some must be ordered but there are many free printable science activities are available online. Concepts include space travel, solar system, robotics education, technology, physics, astronomy and more. There are free printable solar system physics activities featuring Disney Pixar's WALL-E called Mapping the Moon with WALL-E. Click on the links "K-4 Guide" and "5-8 Guide" for printable teacher materials and lesson plans. A popular free robotics education activity is the Mission to Mars Curiosity Rover packet that include games, coloring pages, 3D models to cut and paste, quizzes, worksheets and extensions,
Cornell University Cooperative Extension partners with 4-H to provide 4-H Robotics education program. 4-H Robotics education includes physics simulations, robotics education and physical science games. There are hands-on and virtual online physical science activities. There's a charge for materials but some free activities. These STEM activities could be used for Destination Imagination programs.
The SMILE program (from the Illinois Institute of Technology) is a warehouse of free printable STEM activities, robotics education activities and physics lesson plans, Science lesson plans cover basic physical science concepts like weather, water, states of matter, Periodic Table of the Elements, friction, gravity, mass, inertia, electricity and magnetism. Smithsonian Science and Technology hasfree printable physics lesson plans that correlate with exhibits in the Smithsonian museums. There are many free printable physical science activities on flight, aviation and rocketry.
The Michigan Science Center offers free printable physical science activities to help students extend their experience at the museum or use as stand-alone lessons. Activities are perfect for elementary physics, science and machine technology classes. MIT is the leader in universities of higher education in science. Here are free MIT video lectures, demonstrations and interviews that students could really benefit from in their physical science studies. The Henry Ford has a huge collection of free printable STEM activities and educator resources on science, history and physics, from the Henry Ford Museum, Greenfield 

Free Printable 3D Paper Building and Vehicle Models

Our trip around the world begins at Activity Village has free printable coloring pages of famous landmarks, famous buildings of the world and sights to see in different countries. In London, England, get free printable coloring pages of the London Eye, London Bridge, the Tower of London, Buckingham Palace and the changing of the guard, a Beefeater, Big Ben, a London cab a double-decker bus and more. Then go around the world to nearby Scotland and Wales.
Your free printable famous buildings around the world tour at Activity Village continues to France, Brazil, Egypt, India, New Zealand, Russia, South Africa and the United States. Print the Loch Ness monster, Eiffel Tower, Table Mountain, Statue of Liberty, Christ the Redeemer statue (to name a few famous landmarks). Print world maps showing national products, landmarks and sights to see.
Now for free printable 3D models of famous buildings to print--hang onto your hats because Paper Toys has free printable 3D paper models galore. Then when you thought you'd seen all the cool 3D paper models of buildings you could want, hit this site for more free printable 3D paper models of famous buildings. Get free printable paper models of castles, Shakespeare's Globe Theatre, a haunted house, a medieval manor house, plus really cool 3D paper models of artifacts, vehicles, ancient wonders of the world 

Free Printable Toy Soldiers, Military Coloring Pages for World History Lesson Plans

August 14, 2015 represents the 70th anniversary of V-J Day, that ended WWII. Teachers and homeschool parents, educate students on war history using realistic military coloring pages and cutout paper soldiers. Here are free printable military soldiers, weapons, vehicles to color and cut out. Coloring pages are historically accurate, detailed, challenging and educational. Most are labeled with details on war, country of origin and time period the soldier represents.
Print-fantry has free printable paper toy soldiers cutouts and military weapons in different time periods and armies. Color, cut and paste a whole division of toy soldiers. Printable Paper Dolls hasfree printable military soldiers paper dolls.
Edupics has free printable military coloring pages. It's the most complete collection of accurate educational coloring page on the Internet. Edupics is comprehensive, accurate and user-friendly. Edupics is cross-referenced, meaning that if you want a medieval sokier, you may find him under Military, Medieval or Armor coloring pages. Check the free printable vehicles coloring pages for images of warships in history. Scan the famous people coloring pages for military leaders like Eva Peron, Che Guevara, Geronimo, Stalin, Lenin, Napoleon and more.
TSL Books has free printable history coloring pages, games and worksheets. Scroll through for military leaders, some weapons and soldiers. Here's a Medieval knight on horse coloring page and another knight with different armor. "Medieval" is a time period also called Middle Ages. Medieval history covers Europe, Asia and the Far East. geographically plus a 400-year time span, Here's a Roman soldier coloring page too.
Gusto Coloring has loads of authentic, detailed, accurate military soldiers coloring pages. Print coloring pages of Army, Navy, soldiers from all periods in history, military aircraft coloring pagest,maritime and warships coloring pageshelicopter coloring pages and more. Look for coloring pages of military insignia, uniforms, weapons, trains to name a few. Raising our Kids has patriotic American military and Armed Forces pictures to color. Home of Heroes has free printable U.S. military soldier coloring pages.

These military soldiers coloring pages come from around the world, various wars and time periods. Each country's or empire's military has different ranks, uniforms, weapons and those change depending on time period and war. There are coloring pages of barbarian invaders, Vikings, Roman and Greek soldiers, medieval knights, Spanish conquistadors, French chevaliers (cavaliers) or cavalry, British dragoons, Canadian Mounties, French Napoleonic soldiers and more. Print coloring pages to teach the Punic Wars, Greco-Turk wars, Crusades, American Revolutionary War, American Civil War, England's Civil Wars, Crimean War, Boer War, World War One, World War Two and other conflicts in history.

Free Printable Model Trains, Railroad Crafts

Model railroad building is a popular hobby. Back in the day, many men were given scale model train sets as kids and continue to enjoy them as adults. So here's news for model trains geeks--free printable scale model railroad paper building models, miniatures and accessories. With your printer, card stock paper and an exacto knife, you can create a diorama for your scale model train sets.
About Miniatures lists sites for free printable model trains, model railroad accessories. Pay sites are marked "vendor" but many are free. Vendor sites also offer some free printables as samples. The page links to free printable scale model train sets and paper building models for your model railroad. You can print and make circa 1700s building models, an old church and some Dickensian scenery.
This is a wonderful site for all your free printable scale model railroad needs. This site has pieces for HO and O scale model trains. Someone has done a lot of work to make free printable model train sets, buildings, scenery, set pieces, accessories and miniatures available. There are whole free printable scale model railroad town sets which would work great for social studies cultural and literature setting dioramas. Some pieces for scale model trains double as dollhouse miniatures, too!

Odissey [sic] has free printable model train sets and scale building models, Gothic and Victorian building models, floor maps, and scale model miniatures. Teachers and homeschool parents can turn these free printable scale model trains into lesson plans. Use free easier printable model railroad accessories for hands-on crafts, preschool and special education learning centers and harder scale model railroad pieces for units on trains, technology, Industrial Revolution and historical dioramas.

Free Printable Motorcycle models, motorcycle activities

Motorcycles fascinate almost every boy I know and many girls, too. The ultimate fantasy for a many a man and boy is to take off for weeks of travel on a motorcycle, seeing the sights from his bike. Movies like The Motorcycle Diaries and books such as Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance show just how addictive the riding of a motorcycle can be.
If you or someone you love is crazy about motorcycles, then you need these free printable coloring pages featuring over one hundred different types of motorcycles. You can print classic Harley-Davidson sportsters and hogs, vintage Norton, Ariel and BSA, crotch rockets, Japanese speed racing bikes, BMW touring bikes and many more motorcycles.
I carefully weeded out all the internet links that aren't user-friendly and narrowed it down to four websites that have the easiest coloring pages to print. No user ID is required. No download or Java required. You may need Adobe Acrobat reader for a few, but most of the coloring pages are simple click and print coloring pages. You will also need to turn off any pop-up blocker you may be using. This enables you to open the coloring page window. You can turn off pop-up blockers from the Internet Explorer Tools link. This is a site I don't often use, not because I don't like it, but just because I haven't seen many coloring pages from the site. They seem to feature free printable coloring pages grouped by subject. Coloring-Pages-Kids has a nice assortment of motorcycle coloring pages. Some are whimsical and cartoon images. Others are more realistic and detailed. Not so large a variety but still some very nice free printable motorcycle coloring pages. These ttwo links come from the same website. I've listed them seperately because one page features all Harley-Davidson motorcycles and the other webpage is more generic motorcycles. I also listed each link seperately because this website while very well laid out, complete, detailed and user-friendly, is difficult to access from URL bars. Bookmark both this link and the next for ease in finding and saving. I've had trouble getting back to the site without these links. And you will want to return to this site frequently for free printable motorcycle and vehicle coloring pages. Not only are there coloring pages featuring specific and clearly labeled vehicles, but also engine and bike components. Some of these coloring pages are more like schematic diagrams. They could easily be used to teach drawing skills for motorcycles. Bookmark this for the webpage of general motorcycles. Over 70 free printable motorcycle coloring pages on this page. Easy to print.
Enjoy these free printable motorcycle coloring pages! I love them because now I don't have to free draw motorcycles for coloring pages enthusiasts! My coloring pages look cubist rather than realistic!

Free Printable Paper Airplanes, Aviation Lesson Plans

Free Printable Coloring Pages has over 50 free printable airplane coloring pages and paper airplane patterns. Yes Coloring has loads of free printable vehicles coloring pages. There are over 60 airplane coloring pages to print free. Airplanes are detailed, accurate and challenging to color. 

Educators, you'll love that the airplane coloring pages that focus not only on the whole plane, but on individual parts of the airplane. These airplane coloring pages are more than just fun coloring; as the child is also learning about the engineering and electronics of airplane design! Airplane coloring pages are drafting lessons in themselves. There are dozens of airplane and helicopter styles also. Each is labeled with the proper aircraft name and number.

Now how about free printable paper airplanes for kids to make? Start here with basic paper airplanes and paper airplane patterns. Now click over here for more complicated patterns for paper airplanes. Hit Everything Mom for a collection of free printable paper airplanes in a variety of styles. Last, visit this site for a free printable paper airplanes featuring vintage WWI and WWII planes. Check out the 3D models of fire trucks and emergency vehicles too.