L'shana Tovah Tikatev V'etahetem (May You Be Inscribed and Sealed for a Good Year!) That's a Yiddish Rosh Hashanah greeting. Jewish people celebrate Rosh Hashanah, new year, around mid September to early October in the western calendar. On the Hebrew calendar, Rosh HaShanah begins the month of Tishri. It's begins the period called the "Days of Awe" and is the first of two Jewish high holy days. Rosh Hashanah falls on the approximate date when Moses led the Hebrews out of bondage from Egypt. It precedes Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement (the holiest day of all for Jews). Yom Kippur will be celebrated on Sept. 26 in 2012. Apples and honey are symbols of Rosh Hashanah. Teachers and homeschool families, why not serve apples and honey to kids as a multicultural immersion activity? For classroom activities, here are
Yom Kippur,
the Jewish Day of Atonement, takes place in the month of Tishrei
on the Hebrew calendar, ten days after Rosh HaShanah, the Jewish New Year. Here
are free printable Yom Kippur activities
for kids. Yom Kippur is part of the Days of
Awe. It's the highest of the high holy days.
Tots. Jewish families should definitely bookmark Torah
Tots as it is loaded with
free printable Jewish activities for kids, games, lessons, crafts, recipes,
coloring pages, cut and paste, puzzles and online activities for kids. This
link takes you to the free printable Yom Kippur activities for kids pages. And
don't let the name Torah "tots" throw you. Older kids will be better
able to use the site because many of the activities require reading skills.
Please be sure to visit all the holiday and holy day activities for kids on
Torah Tots. Explore Jewish holidays, traditions, symbols and general knowledge
of the Torah.
can find a weekly Parsha activities for kids. The Parsha is a scripture text
from the Torah, explained for kids. There is a link to the Midrash Maven
(Midrash is a commentary on parts of the Torah). Parsha is similar to a
Christian sermon or homily. Chabad has a gajillion free printable Hebrew activities for kids, including games, coloring pages, puzzles and
lessons plans for holy days like the Day of Atonement. Help kids explore the
Jewish Day of Atonement. These activities are geared for children over seven or
Kids' Heart has fifteen free
printable Day of Atonement activities for kids, geared for younger children. There are free
printable Yom Kippur coloring pages, word search, fill-in-the-blank and some
cut and paste diorama activities. This site is useful for Jewish and non-Jewish
people who wish to learn more about the Hebrew faith.
Vision is a subscriber site. You can access some free printable activities for kids without a subscription. This link will
take you to a lesson page about Yom Kippur. This activity is geared toward
non-Jews, to help them understand the Hebrew faith. Jewish Homeschool Resources
has tons offree printable Hebrew holy day activities for kids, including Yom Kippur. First
School Resources has more free printable
Yom Kippur and Day of
Atonement activities for kids.
more information on Judaism, Jewish holidays, the Jewish calendar and all
things Hebrew, visit Jew FAQ otherwise known as Judaism 101. For more world holiday
activities visit Free Printable Holiday and Free
Printable Lesson Plans.
Gmar Hatima Tova.