The best way to
teach math is with real-life applications. The best way to demonstrate math
concepts is with hands-on materials that are multi-sensory. These tools are
called manipulatives because kids can touch and interact with them.
They're not just paper and pencil activities or textbook lessons. Math
manipulatives include real or play money (for market math), clocks for telling
time, fraction bars, pattern blocks, parquetry blocks, peg boards, base ten
blocks, Unifix cubes and Cuisinaire Rods. Here are websites with free
printable math manipulatives for homemade
has a webpage with dozens of links for free printable math manipulatives, Print pattern blocks, geometry shapes, Base
Ten blocks, color tiles, XY blocks and fraction bars. These tools are commonly
used in preschool, kindergarten and special needs classrooms, but should be
used in all grades to teach geometry, algebra and other maths.
Box from the United Kingdom is jam-packed with free math manipulatives and printables. There are free printable PDFs of clock
activities for telling time, fraction pies and bars, coins and play money for
learning about money math and many free printable math games. Math games
include spinners, dice, game board, pieces and accessories, all free printable
cut-out activities.
Learning Fun has hundreds of free printable math games and manipulatives. This website is organized according to theme,
such as Cats, Apples or different children's literature books. Each theme or
topic has free printable math lessons, crafts, cut and paste, puzzles and more.
Teacher Resources Galore is huge clearinghouse of educational
materials, including free printable math lesson plans.
Each math curriculum content area has dozens of free printables listed. Search
for the math content area that you are teaching to find what manipulatives you
can print. Just click to open the PDF and print.
Collage is a neat homeschool blog with gobs of mom-teacher-made math manipulatives to