free printable lesson plans on alphabet to zoology and everything in between
Showing posts with label movies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label movies. Show all posts
Use Miss Fishers Murder Mysteries to Teach History, Free Printables

Free Printable Doctor Who Coloring Pages, Crafts, Games, Activities
BBC's sci-fi show "Doctor Who" celebrates its 50th birthday in 2013. My youngest daughter discovered Doctor Who in 2005 when she was seven. The current Time Lord was the Ninth Doctor, Christopher Eccleston. The current Eleventh Doctor is Matt Smith. If you love galaxy hopping in the TARDIS and battling Cybermen and Daleks here are free printable Doctor Who coloring pages to extend your adventures.
BBC has eight free printable Doctor
Who coloring pages of
the Tenth, Eleventh and Twelfth Doctor Who characters, as portrayed by David
Tennant. There are coloring pages of Martha (one of the doctors' assistants).
There areonline Doctor Who
games featuring Mickey, Rose, Sarah Jane, Martha and other characters.
There are printable coloring pages of Doctor Who monsters and villains--Daleks
(they're aliens that resemble salt shakers). Some of these characters are in
the Doctor Who spin-off "Torchwood" and "The Sarah Jane
One has free printable Eleventh Doctor Who activities, too. Oh and don't miss
the super creepyfree printable Doctor
Who masks. Cut and paste masks of
the Twelfth Doctor (Peter Capaldi) and Doctor Who villains--Ood, Silurian,
Smiler, the Master, Silence, the doppelgangers, the Weeping Angels and a Peg
Doll who makes Chucky look like Chuck. E. Cheesecake! These would be perfect
for Doctor Who Halloween costumes. But beware of the Weeping Angels--don't
blink--they're Doctor Who's scariest, wiliest opponents of all.
Free Printable health, Food, Inc Documentary Film Lessons

obesity at crisis level, attention turns to childhood obesity. Weight problems
begin at home and so that's the best place to begin with healthy lifestyles,
nutrition, exercise and eating habits. But school can help too. Here are free
printable health lessons on nutrition and other children's health science
topics. Kids Health has free printable health
lessons, health science
worksheets and healthy living activities. These lesson plans cover common
subjects taught in health class. Health lessons cover all grades, preschool
through twelfth grade. Each age category has a separate link listed on the left
side of the page.
grade level addresses three basic areas of health lessons geared to the age,
abilities and maturity of the student. There are free printable health lesson
plans on the Human Body, Health Problems and Personal Health. Lesson plans
include free printable teachers guides, games, activities, worksheets, handouts
and health science experiments. Some lessons also contain a study guide,
student quiz and answer key. Here is a scope and sequence for each grade level
and will work well for homeschool, special needs students and special education
health classes.
2nd grade--Healthy Habits (available in English and Spanish) Human Body covers
body parts, bones, muscles, joints, mouth, teeth and skin, Body Systems covers
Cardiovascular, Digestive, Respiratory, Body Functions, Hearing, Sleep and Vision.
Health Problems covers Infections, Diseases and Conditions, Asthma, Diabetes.
Personal Health lessons covers Puberty and Growing Up, Conflict Resolution,
Empathy, Self-Esteem, Hygiene, Germs, Fitness, Nutrition, Breakfast, Energy
3-5--Human Body covers body parts, bones, muscles and joints. Body Systems
cover Cardiovascular, Digestive, Immune, Respiration, Body Functions and Sleep,
Health Problems, Infections, Diseases, Conditions, Asthma, Eating Disorders,
Bird Flu, Obesity, Drugs, Alcohol and Tobacco. Personal Health science covers
the same topics as the K-2nd grade syllabus, geared to 3-5th graders.
6-8 Human Body covers Body Parts, Mouth and Teeth, Skin. Systems include
Cardiovascular, Respiratory. Body Functions include Sleep, Vision. Health
Problems include Infections, Diseases, Conditions, Asthma, Bird Flu, Diabetes,
eating disorders, HIV and AIDS, Obesity, Skin Cancer. Emotional Health science
issues cover Depression, Stress, Drugs, Alcohol, personal health, puberty and growing
up, conflict resolution, self-esteem, nutrition, food safety, school lunch,
breakfast, fitness and sports safety. Grades 9-12 cover much of the same topics
only in high school lesson plans.
deal with obesity, visit Chartwells for free printable calorie counters, carb counters vitamin and mineral information
other health protocol. Visit Choose My Plate for free printable health information, nutrition, calorie counters, carb counters and
more health nutrition activities. Visit MyPyramid for free printable weight loss tools, obesity management, nutrition and health
Free Printable Animal habitats, migration, biodiversity, science lesson plans
To teach students about different animal species, biodiversity, symbiosis, predator-prey relationships, biomes and habitats, here are free printable animal habitat dioramas.
hands-on science lesson plans, you can't beat dioramas. Students explore
concepts interactively, making 3-D scenes. Shoebox dioramas (scenes set up
inside boxes tilted on their sides) are a good medium. Dioramas help students
visualize content. Diorama activities work very well for literature, social
studies, animal habitats and life science lesson plans. Use animal habitats
dioramas in life science lesson plansto help students understand how creatures
interact with their environment.
habitat dioramas can be made with found objects and recyclables. Or here are
free printable animal habitats dioramas. Use free printable animal habitat or
biomes dioramas for biology and other science lesson plans. Students color, cut
and paste and assemble dioramas. Printable dioramas give the added benefit of
high success and low failure. Special needs and easily frustrated students can
create great looking projects and feel proud of their work.
American Museum of Natural History has free printable animal habitats dioramas for
different biomes. Click each Ology site
for different science lesson plans. Look for "make it" and
"coloring pages" links. From there, print backgrounds and creatures.
Check out printable games and puzzles and lesson plans, too. Crayola has free printable
dioramas that are simple
enough for preschool lesson plans. Here are free printable animal habitat dioramas of the ocean. Exploring nature has free printable animal habitats coloring pages. Students can color and cut out and arrange in
3D shoebox dioramas. Or that could be the backdrop and they could glue plastic
animals and plants in the shoebox base.
Palette, a great teacher/homeschool website, has free printable habitats dioramas: Habitats or biomes include coral reef, African
savanna, polar biomes, rainforest and Paleolithic dinosaur habitats. Free
printable animal coloring pages are available at First Palette too. There are
insects, mammals, birds, fish, reptiles and amphibians in different biomes.
Have kids color and place in the proper environment. This teaches sorting,
classifying and symbiotic relationships. Have kids explore KPCOFGS--kingdom, phylum,
class, order, family, genus and species--concepts too. Perfect for K-8 science,
preschool, homeschool, Montessori and special education.
Free Printable Guardians of Ga'Hoole and Legend of the Guardians Book and Movie Activities
The Legend
of the Guardians: The Owls of Ga'Hoole is a movie based on the books
called the Guardians of Ga'Hoole by Kathryn Lansky. The Legend of the
Guardians: The Owls of Ga'Hoole depicts stories about the fabled owl warriors,
the Guardians of Ga'Hoole, a fictitious land. The Legend of the Guardians: The
Owls of Ga'Hoole opened in 2010 and featured voices of Helen Mirren, Miriam
Margoyles, Hugo Weaving, Geoff Rush, Sam Neill, Abbie Cornish, David Wenham,
Richard Roxbourgh, Emilie de Ravin and Jim Sturgess as the protagonist Soren.
This magical,
mythical, mystical Guardians of Ga'Hoole book series has many volumes and is
still popular in schools. Here are free printable Legend of the Guardians: The Owls of Ga'Hoole activities.
Scholastic has a free printable Guardians of Ga'Hoole activity
pack. Author Kathryn Lansky
has researched owls and shares her work in games, puzzles and crafts. Play the
Battle of Ga'hoole with owls as allied and axis powers.Here are free
printable Guardians of Ga'Hoole
lesson plans for teachers. There is a beautifully illustrated owl mobile featuring
characters from the books. Cut and paste and assemble this mobil while you
explore the books. There is also a link to free printable Guardians of Ga'Hoole
collectible character cards. Print and collect all the character cards. Turn
them over to create a wall poster puzzle.
are also free printable owl posters from the books and Legend of the Guardians:
The Owls of Ga'Hoole movie. There are two free printable owl words games as
well. Print and owl word search and an owl jumbled words sheet. These free printable coloring pages on owls. These activities would make excellent
resources for a school unit on owls. These printables work well as classroom or
bedroom decor, party crafts, party games and Guardians of Ga'hoole theme party.
Here are posters and biographical facts on the Guardians of Ga'Hoole--Soren, Digger, Twilight, Eglantine, Glyfie,
Kludd, Boron and Noctus. For more free printable learning activities,
visit Free Printable Lesson
Plans and Kidz Literature.
Free Printable Fantastic Mr. Fox Movie Activities, Book Lessons
you love Roald Dahl books? A better question might be which are your favorites?
If you said The BFG (Big Friendly Giant) then give three cheers because Disney
brings out The BFG movie (with uber talented Mark Rylance) July, 2016! To
celebrate, here are free printable BFG coloring pages and also free printable
coloring pages from other Roald
Dahl books to movies. Many Roald Dahl books have made it big as movies: Danny
the Champion of the World, Matilda, James and the Giant Peach, Fantastic Mr.
Fox and, of course, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, twice over! Did you like
Johnny Depp or Gene Wilder better as Willie Wonka?
Village has several free
printable activities from
the Fantastic Mr. Fox book
and movie. First, create the a free printable fox mask template for the
sartorial gent. Print two fox masks so that you can design one for Fantastic Mr Fox and the other for his fantastic wife, Mrs. Fox to act out
scenes. There's also and origami fox that looks just like the book version of
Fantastic Mr Fox when folded. Print two foxes and use as hand puppets. There
are Willie Wonka coloring pages too.
has several free printable
Fantastic Mr Fox lesson plans for Roald Dahl Day. Here arefree printable
Fantastic Mr Fox worksheets. The get some free printable Fantastic Mr Fox coloring pages, puzzles and
games from Twinkl. These are samples for paid printables. The best
lesson plans come from the Roald Dahl website. Get free printable Roald Dahl books lesson plans based on The BFG, Fantastic Mr. Fox,
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Charlie and the Great Glass Elevator, Willie
Wonka, James and the Giant Peach, Matilda, Esio Trot, Boy, The Twits, The Vicar
of Nibbleswick (funniest ever) and more. Print games, worksheets, puzzles,
literature homework help, crafts and more.
are free printable BFG and Roald Dahl books coloring pages. Fans of the books
will be glad to know that most of the Roald Dahl coloring pages are from book
illustrator Quentin Blake. Here areMatilida coloring
pages. Here's an
assorted collection of Quentin
Blake illustrations
to color including the enigmatic Willie Wonka and other characters.
Dahl has the distinction of giving children some of the best-loved characters,
like Willie Wonka, the BFG, Fantastic Mr Fox and others, but also of writing
books that grownups frequently ban and challenge! How fun! James and the Giant
Peach frequently comes in for a pasting as does The Witches. The Witches is
laugh out loud and adults mayn't like so much hilarity, or noise. Or maybe
their shoes are on too tight. At any rate, here are activities to keep you busy
till the BFG movie and Roald Dahl Day arrive!
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