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Showing posts with label government. Show all posts
Showing posts with label government. Show all posts

Free printable American government lessons: Democracy, core democratic values

The summer patriotic U.S. holidays, beginning with Memorial Day, turn attention to American government and historyt. America was founded on a democratic government system. Here are free printable American government lessons on democracy and core democratic values for teachers and students. PBS Kids free printable American government lessons teach that democracy is a Greek word meaning 'government by the people' ('dem' people + 'cracy'). Check that link for more free printable Greek words and roots. The people of Ancient Greece were the first to establish the idea of common people ruling their own country. In Greek democracy, all citizens had a right to participate in the process of choosing who from amongst their ranks would represent them. Typically nations were ruled by other forms of "-cracy" or "-archy." A monarchy refers to a country ruled by one supreme head, such as a king. "Oligarchy" refers to rule by a few elite people. In these forms of government, people who were ruled had no say about who their ruler would be. Leaders came to power by inheritance of a crown or by forced military take-over. These rulers had absolute power. They made the laws that the common man must obey. Typically the rules they made did not include themselves.
Never before the Greeks had a nation been ruled by a collective of people who voted to choose representatives. Here are free printable American government lessons on Greek democracy. Never before had a nation's people been given a voice over who should make the laws or what those laws would be. Never before had the rulers of a country had to obey the laws they made. The Greek experiment with democracy, or rule by the people worked well. Here are free printable Ancient Greece and core democratic values lesson plans to use for American government lessons.
Along with a system of democracy and core democratic values, the people of Ancient Greece taught gave the world philosophy, music, art, literacy, technology, medicine, science and language. Here is music of Ancient Greece for American government lessons. Here are free printable lesson plans on the medicine of Ancient Greece to use for American government lessons. Here are free printable Ancient Greece lesson plans on all those subjects.
When the founding fathers and mothers in America set out to establish a government, they looked to the Greek form of democracy as a model. Early Americans had experienced life under the monarchy of King George III and his predecessors. They had lived in a colony ruled by another nation across the sea. The American colonists knew about monarchies and oligarchies. To them, core democratic values in rule 'by the people of the people and for the people' looked very attractive. In the First and Second Continental Congress they drafted what a federal constitution and Bill of Rights that would become a model of democracy outlined core democratic values for other nations as theirs was modeled after the Greeks.
In a democracy, the constitution lays out the rights of citizens very clearly. Every citizen has a voice as to what goes into the constitution. When changes are made to the constitution citizens must approve those changes. To explore democracy and American history lessons in an interactive online games, visit Democracy Game. To experience life in an ancient kingdom, click here for a free download ofSeven Kingdoms. Here are free printable

Free Printable Patriotic Activities for Memorial Day

Several US national holidays center on patriotic events in American history--Memorial Day, Flag Day, 4th of July, Columbus Day, Veterans Day and Presidents Day. So here are free printable patriotic crafts and red white and blue crafts and art projects. These free printable activities might easily be used as lesson plans for school or homeschool to teach American history, government, civics, social studies, geography, current events, US history and other similar classes.
All Crafts has a blowout of red white and blue crafts projects to use for major US national holidays. Use these free printable patriotic crafts for US national holidays like Memorial Day and 4th of July but also for lesson plans on Presidents Day, Constitution Day or even Election Day. Pecuniarities has a cute free printable toy soldiers crafts, perfect for Presidents Day and military holidays and US national holidays. Print toy soldiers, cut them out, wrap around toilet paper tubes and glue. Free Kids Crafts offers free printable patriotic crafts, games, activities, puzzles, paper dolls and paper airplanes. Use these for American history or Presidents Day activities!

The Toymaker has free printable patriotic crafts, red white and blue crafts and American history art projects. Making Friends always has lots of great crafts, including free printable patriotic crafts and RWB activities. You'll like the games,puzzles and mazes for US national holidays too. Teacher Vision has a bunch of educational free printable patriotic crafts. DL-TK has a loads of free printable red white and blue crafts and art projects and patriotic crafts for American history and US national holidays. Activity Village has free printable red white and blue crafts and art projects for all US national holidays. Here's the Presidents Day page but check the side menu and home page for season by season holiday activities.

Free Printable health, Food, Inc Documentary Film Lessons

With obesity at crisis level, attention turns to childhood obesity. Weight problems begin at home and so that's the best place to begin with healthy lifestyles, nutrition, exercise and eating habits. But school can help too. Here are free printable health lessons on nutrition and other children's health science topics. Kids Health has free printable health lessons, health science worksheets and healthy living activities. These lesson plans cover common subjects taught in health class. Health lessons cover all grades, preschool through twelfth grade. Each age category has a separate link listed on the left side of the page.
Each grade level addresses three basic areas of health lessons geared to the age, abilities and maturity of the student. There are free printable health lesson plans on the Human Body, Health Problems and Personal Health. Lesson plans include free printable teachers guides, games, activities, worksheets, handouts and health science experiments. Some lessons also contain a study guide, student quiz and answer key. Here is a scope and sequence for each grade level and will work well for homeschool, special needs students and special education health classes.
Pre-K- 2nd grade--Healthy Habits (available in English and Spanish) Human Body covers body parts, bones, muscles, joints, mouth, teeth and skin, Body Systems covers Cardiovascular, Digestive, Respiratory, Body Functions, Hearing, Sleep and Vision. Health Problems covers Infections, Diseases and Conditions, Asthma, Diabetes. Personal Health lessons covers Puberty and Growing Up, Conflict Resolution, Empathy, Self-Esteem, Hygiene, Germs, Fitness, Nutrition, Breakfast, Energy Balance.
Grades 3-5--Human Body covers body parts, bones, muscles and joints. Body Systems cover Cardiovascular, Digestive, Immune, Respiration, Body Functions and Sleep, Health Problems, Infections, Diseases, Conditions, Asthma, Eating Disorders, Bird Flu, Obesity, Drugs, Alcohol and Tobacco. Personal Health science covers the same topics as the K-2nd grade syllabus, geared to 3-5th graders.
Grades 6-8 Human Body covers Body Parts, Mouth and Teeth, Skin. Systems include Cardiovascular, Respiratory. Body Functions include Sleep, Vision. Health Problems include Infections, Diseases, Conditions, Asthma, Bird Flu, Diabetes, eating disorders, HIV and AIDS, Obesity, Skin Cancer. Emotional Health science issues cover Depression, Stress, Drugs, Alcohol, personal health, puberty and growing up, conflict resolution, self-esteem, nutrition, food safety, school lunch, breakfast, fitness and sports safety. Grades 9-12 cover much of the same topics only in high school lesson plans.

To deal with obesity, visit Chartwells for free printable calorie counters, carb counters vitamin and mineral information other health protocol. Visit Choose My Plate for free printable health information, nutrition, calorie counters, carb counters and more health nutrition activities. Visit MyPyramid for free printable weight loss tools, obesity management, nutrition and health activities

Free Printable Election Lesson Plans

U.S. General Election Day is always the first Tuesday in November. Teachers and homeschool parents, looking for free printable election lesson plans? Read on. 
I remember in 1972, our school was immersed in the Nixon-McGovern election. We staged debates and mock elections, explored voting booths and campaigned for our candidate. It was a great hands-on learning experience.  42 years later, we have technology and the internet to help us teach voting, elections and politics. Here are free lesson plans, puzzles, quizzes, games, writing prompts and coloring pages to explore. 
Ed Helper has free printable Super Tuesday lesson plans. Click around for election, history and social studies unit themes. Print vocabulary, timelines, issues, electoral college, Inauguration Day and more. 
ABC Teach features election day lesson plans that are free to print. Click for printable voting lessons too. Print KWL charts, voting graphics, math graphing activities, creative and response writing, comparison/contrast (candidates and past elections), history and literature connections, mock election forms, debate rubrics, student senate formats, issues awareness. Look for graphic organizers on foreign policy, how to vote, timeline of voting rights, constitution, branches of government, political parties and other election-related subjects.
Education World offers a sophisticated, multicultural look at the political system. Check out the interactive election activities, maps and timelines available. 
A to Z Teacher Stuff provides a compendium of free printable voting and election lesson plans. Scroll through till you find what you need for your classroom grade and student population. 
Special needs teachers, you'll appreciate these interactive election lesson plans. Hands-on activities help disabled children learn in ways that are suited to their abilities. 

Free Printable American History Lessons, Biography Benjamin Franklin

Early summer is a time when the United States turns its attention to American History. Memorial Day, Flag Day, 4th of July all focus on famous people and events in American history. One of the most famous was Benjamin Franklin. Students study his life and works extensively in school. Who was Benjamin Franklin? He was many things--statesman, diplomat, inventor and leader. Here are free printable lesson plans on Benjamin Franklin to explore this enigmatic character. Born January 17, 1706, Benjamin Franklin was the 15th of Josiah Franklin's 17 children. His parents were poor working class people. Franklin's grandparents had been blacksmith, farmer and indentured servant. Despite these humble beginnings, Benjamin Franklin has been called a polymath or Renaissance Man. A Renaissance Man is a "jack of all trades," a universal man. Most were ancients like Leonardo da Vinci and Cicero and Imhotep who fell into it by birth.Benjamin Franklin is one of a very few people to earn this title of Renaissance Man in modern times. Visit these links for free printable lesson plans on the Renaissance Man.
Why is Benjamin Franklin a Renaissance Man? Franklin was in his lifetime, an author, printer, satirist (political humorist), political thinker, politician, scientist, inventor, statesman, diplomat, soldier and citizen activist. Benjamin Franklin was one of the founding fathers of America. He was one of the "committee of five" to draft the Declaration of Independence. Franklin traveled to England as an ambassador (person who seeks good will between nations). Franklin met many times with King George III. As one of the Sons of Liberty, Franklin published pamphlets educating people about problems with England. He worked against the Intolerable Acts and heavy tariffs. Here are free printable American history lesson plans about Benjamin Franklin and the many hats he wore.

Benjamin Franklin lived what he wrote about: common sense, hard work, community, education and thrift. Benjamin Franklin's book "Poor Richard's Almanack" was a mini encyclopedia for practical information. Franklin The Pennsylvania Gazette, an early newspapers in the colonies. He was the first postmaster general. Benjamin Franklin experimented with electricity and invented the lightening rod. He invented bifocal (double vision) glasses and the Franklin pot belly stove. Franklin began the first public lending library and fire department. He established the American Philosophical Society, was the first governor of Pennsylvania and help found the University of Pennsylvania. Benjamin Franklin worked hard right up to the end of his life. He fought against slavery, tyranny and injustice. Benjamin Franklin died on April 17, 1790. Nearly 20,000 people from many lands attended Franklin's funeral. For more on Benjamin Franklin, please click on any of the links listed here. For more free printable American history lessons, visit Free Printable Lesson Plans and Free Lesson Plans 4U. You can find help with your American history homework here, too.

Free Printable US History Lesson Plans

With 4th of July coming, the focus turns to US history. US history lessons are core subject in middle school and high school. If learning about US history, you'll love these websites loaded with free printable US history lessons, social studies activities activities, government and history homework help. Get free printable US history worksheets, maps, social studies and history based activities, resources, online history lessons, Powerpoint presentations, virtual US history museums, primary sources and documents, and much more.
If you don't enjoy US history, you've come to the right place, too! These sites offer US history lessons and social studies activities, homework help galore. You can use free printable social studies activities by downloading or using online. Use search functions on these websites to get homework help with the most challenging US history questions.
Free Government Lessons has free printable US history lessons. The site is overflowing with government lessons, social studies activities and links that cover all aspects of American history. Here's a very complete site for US history lessons and free printable social studies materials--The History Channel. Each of the shows and series on The History Channel has links and free printable social studies worksheets use in the classroom and American history homework help.
Here's a site with free printable American history lesson plans and Powerpoint presentations--Mr. Donn. This site covers early explorers, native Americans, 13 colonies, revolution, westward expansion, immigration, industrialization, 20th century, women, civil rights, economics, documents, symbols, presidents and much more. Mr. Donn is a web guru on American history lessons.
The Library of Congress is the source for free printable American history primary sources, documents, artifacts, and information on US history. This institution is itself historic and has always been the guardian of knowledge in the United States. So this is a natural source to explore for lessons on US History.
PBS is the best source for American history homework help. PBS gets access to the best materials world-wide. There are a multitude of lesson plans for the shows. Look for "American Experience" and other US history shows.
CNN is your news history source for pictures and stories. In journalism, stories and photos are kept in the 'morgue'; a huge clearinghouse of all the information collected and published by that media. Check out any local or national news source site for access to it's 'morgue' Select the archives link for access to 1000's of news articles for social studies activities.
National Parks Service was set up to act as caretakers and docents for our nation's historic sites and artifacts. Each park is a story in itself. Here are American history lessons. Another government website for you to utilize to get student excited about history is EDsitement. Get free printable American history worksheets and homework help.

Fun History? Sure! This site utilizes differentiated instruction types which teaches to students' different learning styles. Student's investigate History as a detective. American history lessonsinclude cartoons, brochures, dialog, drama, interviews, letters, journals, maps, demonstrations, poems, songs, speeches, painting, newspaper, story-writing, slogans, timelines, trading cards, etc. This is a pay site, but it offers free lesson for you.

Free Printable Martin Luther King Jr. Lessons and Classroom Resources

Here are free printable American history lesson plans on the great civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr. MLK Jr was born on January 15, 1929. MLK and was shot by an assassin's bullet on April 4, 1968. Use these free printable lesson plans to explore this legendary hero in the classroom, homeschool, scout troops 4H and social groups.
Nobel Prize has free printable MLK Jr and black history lesson plans, As the 1964 Nobel Peace Prize winner, Martin Luther King Jr. is featured on this website with a comprehensive bibliography of resources. About has an entire unit of free printable Martin Luther King Jr activities, including a 5-page activity booklet Happy Birthday MLK by Jean Marzollo. It covers the life and work of Dr. King. The lessons guide students through readings, discussions, response activities and higher order thinking skills questions.
Mr.Donn has free printable American history lesson plans, created by a teacher for teachers. There are close to 30 links for free printable lessons, posters, coloring pages, worksheets, fill-in-the-blanks, puzzles, coloring pages, literature study guides and activities based on Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Some black history favorites include a Unity Hand Wreath cut and paste craft, a Box of Crayonscoloring craft and Breaking Color Barriers (a science object lesson for children)
ABC Teach has 16 free printable lesson plans focused on world peace and unity. There are crafts, writing prompts, posters, games, coloring pages, word search, worksheets, reading activities, acrostic forms, poetry frames and much more. After all, peace, unity and brotherhood was what Dr. King was all about.

ABC Teach MLK has free printable writing prompts, worksheets, lessons, games and activities about Dr. Martin Luther King Jr and his speeches, including "I have a Dream". There are Black History Month activities. In conclusion is a quote from that famous speech made by Dr. King, made on August 28, 1963 at the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom.