Standard and metric rulers, compass, protractors, square, tape measures, angle
measures are available online. You can get free printable math measuring tools
and make your own, or free online software to use on the computer. Free
printable math measuring tools like rulers, tape measures and protractors make
excellent classroom, homeschool and homework resources. Print free printable
measurement math tools on cardstock and/or laminate it to make sturdy reusable
measuring tools. Print on transparencies for use on the classroom overhead
A Tube has free printable rulers. There are 12 inch American standard rulers and
30 centimeter metric rules. There are free printable math measuring worksheets,
standard metric converters and math tutorials. Teacher Vision is a pay site
that offers new users three trial free printables. Click this link for free printable
measurement math worksheets and measuring tools. Three math measuring tools come on one
worksheet--inch ruler, metric centimeter rulers, tape measures and protractors.
It only counts as one of your freebies, should you choose to get more. Save
paper and printing costs printing one sheet of math measuring tools for each
has twenty different free printable rulers and measuring tools in varying sizes, measurement markings and
gradations. Select from metric and standard English measurement tools. There
are tape measures, rulers and yardsticks with clear instructions on how to
print accurately. You can't print a math compass, but you can print math worksheets for using a compass.
Ossmann has free
printable math protractors in several different degree and angle markings. There are decimal
and fraction protractors, too. There are free
printable protractors and tape measures for standard measurement math. This site
offers free
printable math measuring tools, math worksheets and measuring lesson plans and
activities. Use measurement math tools in science, social studies, geography,
art and design applications