The Catholic church enters the Lenten season of preparation before Easter. For Catholic and
Orthodox Christians, Easter is about more than just bunnies and candy. Easter
celebrates the Passion, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. During Lent,
which begins on Ash Wednesday, Christians ready themselves for Jesus's coming
with prayer, fasting and almsgiving. The date of Ash Wednesday changes each
year as Easter is a "movable feast." In 2015, Ash Wednesday is Feb.
18.Here are free printable stations
of the cross, rosary, saints and Easter bible story
coloring pages.
Lenten season runs for 46 days up to Easter. Lent
"follows" Jesus's during forty days of fasting in the desert when He
was tempted by Satan. in preparation for His sacrifice on the cross. During
Lent, we try to imitate Jesus. We follow the "Way of the Cross" or
Stations of the Cross and pray the rosary.
St. John the Baptist Religious Education has nearly 100 free printable Catholic Lenten coloring pages. Categories include:
20 free printable rosary coloring pages
--Joyful Mysteries from the Bible story of Jesus's life: the
annunciation, the Visitation, the Birth of Jesus, the Presentation and Finding
the Child Jesus in the Temple
--Sorrowful Mysteries from the Bible story of Jesus's life: the
Agony in the Garden, the Scourging, the Crowning with Thorns, Carrying the
Cross and the Crucifixion
--Glorious Mysteries (heavenly events) in Jesus's life include the
Resurrection, the Ascension, the Descent of the Holy Spirit, the Assumption and
the Crowning of Mary Queen of Heaven.
--Luminous Mysteries: the Baptism of Jesus, the Wedding at Cana
(Jesus's first public miracle), the Proclamation of the Kingdom and the
Institution of the Holy Eucharist. These are Bible events from the life of
There are free printable Stations of the Cross coloring pages, one
for each of the 15 stations. SJB has nearly 20 free printable Apostles Creed
coloring pages. You can print free saints coloring pages of St. Patrick, Mary
Mother of God, St. Joan of Arc, St. Philomena, St. Tarcisius, St. Clare, St.
Maximilian Kolbe, St. Joseph, St. Francis of Assisi, St. Valentine and other
saints. There are several of Pope Francis.
Use these free printable Catholic Easter coloring pages for Ash Wednesday,
Lent devotions, Holy Week, Palm Sunday and the Easter Triduum: Holy Thursday,
Good Friday, Holy Saturday and finally Easter Sunday. Make a Stations of the
Cross coloring book for mass and to keep little ones quiet during devotions and
to reflect during your stations prayers. The images are beautifully drawn. Many
were created from stained glass windows in various churches. These coloring
pages make great lent devotional activities to prepare children for Easter. For
more free printable Catholic Christian printables, please visit my blogs Catholic Activities and Lent Activities.