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Free Printable Bible Craft Activities, Sunday School Lessons

Many adults may remember loving Bible stories and Sunday School activities. Sunday school crafts were simpler, but few can forget the big box of beat-up crayons and coloring pictures of Bible stories. From the Old Testament, kids learned of Adam and Eve, Noah's ark, Abraham, Jacob, Joseph and his coat of many colors, Moses, the Exodus, Samuel, Samson and Delilah, Gideon, Joshua, David and Goliath and so many others. And then all the New Testament Bible friends: Zacchaeus, St. John, the disciples, the parables, miracles and of course, Bible stories of the Lord Jesus Christ. Catholic kids get to know saints as well.

Parents, if you want your kids to grow up learning Bible stories, then you'll want these free printable Bible stories coloring pages. Calvary Chapel has free printable Bible stories coloring pages grouped by Old Testament and New Testament. You'll like how Bible stories are arranged by their familiar titles as you're used to hearing them at church. Papa Jan has free printable Bible stories coloring pages. I must admit to an old-fashioned love of these as Bible pictures are drawn in older styles. Here are general Bible coloring pages of religious images--praying hands, Jesus the cross, Bible, and others.

Sunday School Printables has hundreds of free printable Bible stories coloring pages. Most pictures are in cartoon form. Many come from the wonderful "Beginner's Bible" illustrations. First-School is a go-to for educational free printable coloring pages from Old Testament and New Testament Bible stories.

Jewish children can enjoy Old Testament Bible stories as they are contained in the Hebrew Torah. Children can learn about Creation, Adam and Eve, the Tower of Babel, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph Samson, Elijah, Moses, Passover, the plagues of Egypt, David and Goliath, Joshua, Jonah, Daniel, Queen Esther, the prophets and many other exciting old testament Bible stories. New testament Bible stories include the mysteries of the Catholic rosary-- Mary and Joseph, the Annunciation, the Nativity, the visit of the wisemen, the flight into Egypt, the boyhood of Jesus, the Baptism of Jesus, St. John the Baptist, the miracles of Jesus, the disciples, the Sermon on the Mount, the Last Supper, the Agony in the Garden, the crucifixion, washing the feet, Zaccheus, Mary and Martha, Lazarus, the resurrection, Pentecost, St. Paul's conversion and many more. The New Testament contains so many wonderful Bible stories that can guide a child's life.