Coloring has over 50 free printable felt board stencils. Templates include geometric shapes, animal
outlines, solar system, seasons, weather, holiday, snowflake patterns,
food and other preschool theme shapes.
Land has over 150 free felt board themes. Each theme has free printable felt board
patterns, stencils, templates and activities. A helpful teaching video
demonstrates how to use each lesson. Each kit has free printable stories.
Pattern themes include months, animals, holiday patterns, seasonal, weather,
children's literature, clothing, body parts, food, transportation, toys and
games. Use free printable felt board patterns for science, social studies,
reading, writing and math lessons.
Learning Fun has a gigantic assortment of free printable felt
board patterns. This site features
complete children's book themed felt board patterns: Chicka Chicka Boom Boom,
Brown Bear Brown Bear What Do You See?, Cat in the Hat, Clifford, The Very
Hungry Caterpillar, nursery rhymes, fairy tales, fables and more.
School teachers used a similar tool called Flannel-Graph. To make felt board
pieces, print stencils and cut out patterns. Trace pattern outlines on felt. Or
trace templates on flannel. Cut out felt board shapes. As you tell a story, add
felt pieces to story board to illustrate. Use as patterns to cut fabric shapes
for Halloween costumes, craft appliques, paint stencils, cookie cutter
templates for baking or playdoh.