Parents, are you looking for fairy crafts for
your little fairy princess? How about free printable Tinker Bell,
Barbie Fairytopia, Fairies of Pixie Hollow and Rainbow Magic fairies?
Start with Rainbow Magic fairy stories created by a collection of authors
writing under the pseudonym "Daisy Meadows." Rainbow Magic is
illustrated by Georgie Ripper. There are several dozen Rainbow Magic fairy
stories. Here are free printable Rainbow
Magic fairy crafts.
The series began with the Rainbow
Fairies, seven sisters each named after a color of the rainbow: Ruby, Amber,
Saffron, Fern, Sky, Izzie and Heather. Two little girls, Rachel and Kirsty
discover the rainbow fairies and their magical kingdom. The Rainbow Fairies
series has blossomed to include fairies for practically every theme: princess,
jewel fairies, pet keepers, weather, fun day, sporty, Christmas, flowers,
music, magic animals, dance, party, ocean, green, twilight and several other
fairy groups.
Start your free printable Rainbow
Fairies activities quest
here. The Friendship fairies offers free printable friendship activities, fairy
crafts, puzzles and word games. The Green fairies are all about the environment
and keeping the earth healthy. Visit the Green fairies page for free printable fairy
crafts, activities and
games and Rainbow Magic free printable picture frames, post cards, stationary,
puzzles, word games, door hangers and coloring pages.
Here are free printable
coloring pages of fairies from literature such as Shakespeare. There are old school
Tinker Bell images and pictures of the Blue Fairy from Pinocchio. Here are more
free printablefairy princess crafts and Medieval fantasy crafts with fairies. Here are free printable Barbie Fairytopia coloring
pages. And you can't let an article
about fairy crafts go to print without a nod to the greatest fairy of all
Tinker Bell! No, don't get mad Tink, because the best is always saved for last!
Here are free printable Tinker
Bell and the Fairies of Pixie
Hollow coloring pages.
Print a whole booklet of Tinker
Bell, Barbie Fairytopia and Rainbow Magic activities to occupy a sick child or
pass the time on a family car trip. Pack her a "Care-y Fairy
Package," including printable booklet, crayons or markets, stickers,
scissors, glue sticker and pencil. For extra fun, add some glitter (fairy gurus
often refer to this as "pixie dust.") By the way, June 24 is Fairy