, pub-8985115814551729, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Free Printable Lesson Plans: Free Printable Color by Number Lesson Plan Worksheets

Free Printable Color by Number Lesson Plan Worksheets

Color by number coloring pages are images divided into labeled sections that must be colored according to label. They're similar to paint by number activities that were popular in the 1970s. Some color by number activities are color by letter or math problem. Kids must solve the math problem to know which number to color the space. Color by number coloring pages can be used to teach math, counting, reading and other subjects. Here are free printable color by number puzzles and coloring pages.
Hello Kids has 97 free printable color by number coloring pages. Color by number puzzles are organized into five categories: nature, toys, animals, characters and calculations. The first four categories feature the usual color by number in which each color is represented by a number. The calculations color by number coloring pages require the student to solve a math equation in order to figure out what to color the space. These free printable color by number math problem coloring pages make excellent interactive lesson plans. There are 24 math problems color by number coloring pages which practice different math skills. Each free printable color by number category has different difficulty levels.
Coloring has about 25 free printable color by number and color by letter puzzles. Color by letter coloring pages are very helpful for letter recognition and reading practice. Pictures are labeled with letters from the picture word (BIRD- B, I, R, D).
Crayola has free printable color by number puzzles ranging from easy to challenging. There is an even-odd coloring page that practices even and odd numbers using color by number. There are also a create-your-own code color by number worksheets. Papa Jan has four free printable color by number princess and castle coloring pages. Preschool Learning Online has five free printable color by number puzzles and color by letter coloring pages.

Here's a great educational tip for teachers and homeschool parents. Make up your own color by number, color by letter, or math problem coloring pages. Using regular free printable coloring pages, design a color palette and fill in the numbers according to your code. Free Printable Coloring Pages has great blackline images to use for color by number puzzles. page to practice on. For more free printable activities, visit Free Printable Lesson Plans.