The Catholic Lenten season begins each year
with the Imposition of the Ashes on Ash Wednesday, which in the 2016 calendar
will kick off very early on February 10. Lent starts a 40 day journey of
fasting, corporal spiritual acts of mercy, spiritual pilgrimage and prayer. A
Catholic tries to live, in a humble human way, in solidarity with the Lord
Jesus, as he fasted in the desert for 40 days and made his final pilgrimage to
Jerusalem. A Roman cross, torture and crucifixion awaited Him. But so did the
glory of Easter, the Resurrection. Lent is a season for intense and deep
personal and spiritual reflection.
Here are several well-researched websites in line with the
Magisterium (the teachings of the Holy Roman Church), the Holy See (seat of
Peter) and the St. Joseph's Catholic Church catechism. They offer free
printable Lenten worksheets and Bible lesson plans. Most all these Catholic materials have the Nil
Obstat and Imprimatur. These seals of approval from the bishops and the Church
say the material does not deviate in any way from Catholic doctrine.
Catholic Mom offers free printable Catholic Lenten worksheets, coloring pages, activities, word searches, crossword puzzles and lesson plans
based upon the daily mass readings from the St. Joseph's daily missal. You may
print any of these free and use with students or children. These are wonderful
for home-schooling, Bible study and teaching CCD. The license to print is a
very special gift and ministry to other families and teachers. You will find
archived materials from Cycle A, B and C.
St. Charles Borromeo was a Spanish saint known to Catholics for
his great teaching ability. This site of which he is the patron saint, offers a
complete free printable Catholic Bible study worksheetswith reflections and
further Bible connections. Readings for each of the three church liturgical
cycles are available. The vestment color for the day is noted and a church
liturgical calendar is given. All of the materials are available to print free
in Adobe Acrobat or pdf format. Use these as a basis for reading, spelling,
grammar lessons as well as religious instruction.
This is a link to free printable Catholic lesson plans and worksheets. This is a huge clearinghouse with materials for
all Church subjects. Look for free printable Lenten activities, info on the
Paschal Candle, Holy Week, Stations of the Cross, Ash Wednesday, fasting,
penance, daily readings, act of contrition, examination of conscience and more.
You will find free printable Bible and Catholic crafts, games, puzzles,
worksheets, lessons, cross-word puzzles, fill in the blank, clip art, coloring
pages, recipes, prayers, novenas, music and loads of links to other Lenten
sites. May your spiritual journey of Lent be one of awareness, reflection and
immersion in the great love Our Lord shows for us in His Passion.