Looking for free printable Bible Christmas lesson plans? Here are
dozens of free printable Catholic and Christian Christmas activities. Focus on
the real meaning of Christmas. Coloring pages, crafts, mazes, word search,
puzzles and lesson plans are available to print free for families and
non-profits. These activities make excellent holiday lesson plans. They're
great to use at Advent to count down to Christmas. Use for homeschool, Sunday
school, Catholic and Christian school, CCD and Catholic religious education.
These Christmas activities come right from the Bible, which of course,
incorporates the Joyful Mysteries of the rosary, too.
Calvary Williamsport features a Calvary Kids Pages website with
all sorts of free printable Christmas activities,
games, puzzles and lessons.
You can print puzzles, color by number, dot to dot, crossword and
mazes like:
-- Zecharias visited by Angel Gabriel word search
-- Annunciation of Angel Gabriel to Mary hidden picture page
-- Angel appears to Joseph word search and crossword puzzle
-- Mary, Joseph and donkey travel to Bethlehem maze and dot to dot
-- Jesus born in a manger maze
-- Angels appear to shepherds color by number puzzle
-- Color by number angel puzzle
You can print Christmas and Advent crafts like:
-- Manger scene activity
-- Nativity scene craft
-- Advent wreath craft
-- Candy cane story activity
-- Snowflake maze and puzzle
-- Snowflake craft
-- Jesus is the Greatest gift maze
-- Events of the life of Jesus sequencing activity
Calvary Kids Pages has dozens of free printable Christmas coloring
pages of angels, Mary and Joseph, Baby Jesus, stable, shepherds, star of
Bethlehem, manger scene and Bible stories. This should keep kids actively
engaged till Christmas and beyond!