Are you looking for religious Bible Christmas crafts for children
to make during Advent?
You'll want these free
printable nativity
scenes. Children can color Bible characters and
assemble an Advent manger scene. Here's a free printable Bible Christmas manger
scene with cut and paste coloring pages to put on
paper towel tubes. Catholic Icing has eight coloring pages that you can click
and print directly from her blog. Each page features Mary and Joseph, donkey,
angel, wisemen, shepherds, Baby Jesus, camels. Download the set from the
Hart of the Mountain has free printable nativity scenes with Bible character finger puppets. Activity Village offers free printable Bible Christmas nativity scenes that kids can color, cut out and assemble. Make a shoebox diorama
stable. Scroll down for more manger scene crafts including a nativity mobile.
words cards, and games.
Prudent Baby is a blog with a complete set of free Advent manger scene printables. Cute Bible characters
people these nativity scenes. Love to Know has free printouts of Bible Christmas nativity scenes to color, cut and paste and assemble. Scrapbook Scrapbook has a
darling free printable Advent manger scene with Mary, Joseph, Jesus, angels, animals,
wisemen and shepherds. There's even a printable stable and manger.